
OPPs VDR-Pakete / OPPs VDR-Packages

[DIR] Übergeordnetes Verzeichnis / Parent Directory
[DIR] dists/

Hinweis!!! / Hint!!!

      Meine Änderungen an den VDR Paketen habe ich nun in 2 Pakete ausgelaggert (vdr-oppsettings und vdr-firmwares).
      Somit werden die Pakete von e-tobi.net nur noch ergänzt.
      Für Debian Squeeze (6.0/Oldstable) und Debian Wheezy (7.x/Stable) werden keine Pakete von e-tobi.net benötigt,
      da dies ein kompletter Rebuild ist.

      Für VDPAU und VAAPi muss auch folgendes Repository in den sources.list enthalten sein:
      Vorlagen zu fertigen sources.list gibt es hier / Templates for sources.list available here:
und zu fertigen preferences hier / and for preferences here:


    Neuer Archiv Key, bitte aktualisieren. / New key, please update.
      Als User mit sudo Rechten / As a user with sudo rights:
      sudo aptitude install oppserver-keyring

      oder / or

      wget http://debian2.oppserver.net/gpg-debian.oppserver.net-signing-pubkey.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -

      Als root / As root:
      aptitude install oppserver-keyring

      oder / or

      wget http://debian2.oppserver.net/gpg-debian.oppserver.net-signing-pubkey.asc -O - | apt-key add -

Stretch 9.x (stable)

Einträge für /etc/apt/sources.list / Entries for /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ stretch main non-free contrib
deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ stretch main non-free contrib

oder mit folgendem Befehl / or with the following command::

sudo su -c 'echo "deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ stretch main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list'
sudo su -c 'echo "deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ stretch main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list'
sudo aptitude update

oder als root / or as root:
echo "deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ stretch main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list
echo "deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ stretch main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list
aptitude update

Zu allen Paketen wird das debian-multimedia Repository benötigt. / For all packages, the debian-multimedia repository is needed.

deb http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ stretch main non-free
deb-src http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ stretch main
deb http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ stretch-backports main
deb-src http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ stretch-backports main

Buster 10.x (testing)

Einträge für /etc/apt/sources.list / Entries for /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ buster main non-free contrib
deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ buster main non-free contrib

oder mit folgendem Befehl / or with the following command::

sudo su -c 'echo "deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ buster main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list'
sudo su -c 'echo "deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ buster main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list'
sudo aptitude update

oder als root / or as root:
echo "deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ buster main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list
echo "deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ buster main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list
aptitude update

Zu allen Paketen wird das debian-multimedia und das backports Repository benötigt. / For all packages, the debian-multimedia and the backports repository is needed.

deb http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ buster main non-free
deb-src http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ buster main

Sid (unstable)

Einträge für /etc/apt/sources.list / Entries for /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ sid main non-free contrib
deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ sid main non-free contrib

oder mit folgendem Befehl / or with the following command::

sudo su -c 'echo "deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ sid main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list'
sudo su -c 'echo "deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ sid main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list'
sudo aptitude update

oder als root / or as root:
echo "deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ sid main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list
echo "deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ sid main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list
aptitude update

Zu allen Paketen wird das debian-multimedia und das backports Repository benötigt. / For all packages, the debian-multimedia and the backports repository is needed.

deb http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ sid main non-free
deb-src http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ sid main

Jessie 8.x (oldstable)

Einträge für /etc/apt/sources.list / Entries for /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ jessie main non-free contrib
deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ jessie main non-free contrib

oder mit folgendem Befehl / or with the following command::

sudo su -c 'echo "deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ jessie main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list'
sudo su -c 'echo "deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ jessie main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list'
sudo aptitude update

oder als root / or as root:
echo "deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ jessie main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list
echo "deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ jessie main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list
aptitude update

Zu allen Paketen wird das debian-multimedia und das backports Repository benötigt. / For all packages, the debian-multimedia and the backports repository is needed.

deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ jessie-backports main contrib non-free
deb-src http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ jessie-backports main contrib non-free

deb http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ jessie main non-free
deb-src http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ jessie main
deb http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ jessie-backports main
deb-src http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ jessie-backports main

Wheezy 7.x

Einträge für /etc/apt/sources.list / Entries for /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ wheezy main non-free contrib
deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ wheezy main non-free contrib

oder mit folgendem Befehl / or with the following command::

sudo su -c 'echo "deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ wheezy main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list'
sudo su -c 'echo "deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ wheezy main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list'
sudo aptitude update

oder als root / or as root:
echo "deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ wheezy main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list
echo "deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ wheezy main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list
aptitude update

Zu allen Paketen wird das debian-multimedia und das backports Repository benötigt. / For all packages, the debian-multimedia and the backports repository is needed.

deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ wheezy-backports main contrib non-free
deb-src http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ wheezy-backports main contrib non-free

deb http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ wheezy main non-free
deb-src http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ wheezy main
deb http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ wheezy-backports main
deb-src http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ wheezy-backports main

oppserver-keyring (2013.02.02+opp~2, main) - GnuPG archive key of the oppserver.net repository
Binary for arch all (4.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

The oppserver.net repository digitally signs its Release files. This package contains the repository key used for that.

Squeeze 6.0

Einträge für /etc/apt/sources.list / Entries for /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ squeeze main non-free contrib
deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ squeeze main non-free contrib

oder mit folgendem Befehl / or with the following command::

sudo su -c 'echo "deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ squeeze main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list'
sudo su -c 'echo "deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ squeeze main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list'
sudo aptitude update

oder als root / or as root:
echo "deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ squeeze main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list
echo "deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ squeeze main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list
aptitude update

Zu allen Paketen wird das debian-multimedia und das backports Repository benötigt. / For all packages, the debian-multimedia and the backports repository is needed.

deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main contrib non-free
deb-src http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main contrib non-free

deb http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ squeeze main non-free
deb-src http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ squeeze main
deb http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ squeeze-backports main
deb-src http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ squeeze-backports main

vdr-plugin-skinnopacity-dbg (0.1.0+git20130324-2+opp~1, main) - NOpacity skin for VDR - debugging symbols
Binary for arch amd64 (226.6 KB), i386 (216.3 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

nOpacity is a highly customizable true color skin for the on-screen-display (OSD) of the Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR.

This package contains the debugging symbols.

vdr-plugin-softhddevice-dbg (0.6.0.git20130404-1+opp~1, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-softhddevice
Binary for arch amd64 (181.9 KB), i386 (181.2 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-softhddevice

vdr-plugin-radio-dbg (0.9.1-4+opp~2, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-radio
Binary for arch amd64 (99.1 KB), i386 (97.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-radio

vdr-plugin-graphlcd-dbg (0.3.0+git20130404-1+opp~1, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-graphlcd
Binary for arch amd64 (305.6 KB), i386 (299.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-graphlcd

xineliboutput-sxfe-dbg (1.0.90+cvs20130404.0241-1+opp~1, main) - Remote X-Server frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput
Binary for arch amd64 (136.4 KB), i386 (136.7 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This X/Xv/XvMc remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

This package contains the debugging symbols.

vdr-plugin-burn-dbg (0.2.2-2+opp~2, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-burn
Binary for arch amd64 (1.3 MB), i386 (1.2 MB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-burn

vdr-plugin-screenshot-dbg (0.0.15-1+opp~2, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-screenshot
Binary for arch amd64 (27.5 KB), i386 (27.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-screenshot

vdr-plugin-dvbsddevice-dbg (2.0.1-1~etobi1+opp~1, main) - Plugin that adds support for full featured SD-DVB cards to VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (204.1 KB), i386 (202.9 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as output the stream to TV.

This package contains the debugging symbols for the dvbsddevice-plugin.

vdr-plugin-dvbhddevice-dbg (2.0.1-1~etobi1+opp~1, main) - Plugin that adds support for full featured HD-DVB cards to VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (268.2 KB), i386 (265.1 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as output the stream to TV.

This package contains the debugging symbols for the dvbhddevice-plugin.

vdr-plugin-xvdr-dbg (1:0.9.9+git20130404-1+opp~1, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-xvdr
Binary for arch amd64 (432.3 KB), i386 (426.0 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-xvdr

vdr-plugin-dynamite-dbg (20130404.0151-1+opp~1, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-dynamite
Binary for arch amd64 (95.7 KB), i386 (95.9 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-dynamite

vdr-plugin-skyselectfeeds-dbg (0.2.8pre20130316-2+opp~1, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-skyselectfeeds
Binary for arch amd64 (37.6 KB), i386 (37.3 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-skyselectfeeds

libxineliboutput-sxfe-dbg (1.0.90+cvs20130404.0241-1+opp~1, main) - Local X-Server frontend for the xineliboutput plugin
Binary for arch amd64 (124.0 KB), i386 (123.7 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

The xineliboutput vdr plugin requires this library to provide the built-in local frontend for X, Xv or XvMC window systems.

This package contains the debugging symbols.

vdr-plugin-tvguide-dbg (0.0.2-1+opp~2, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-tvguide
Binary for arch amd64 (92.0 KB), i386 (88.3 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-tvguide

xineliboutput-fbfe-dbg (1.0.90+cvs20130404.0241-1+opp~1, main) - Remote Framebuffer frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput
Binary for arch amd64 (111.1 KB), i386 (111.2 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This frambuffer remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

This package contains the debugging symbols.

vdr-plugin-dummydevice-dbg (1.0.3-5+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin that emulates a dvb output device
Binary for arch amd64 (20.9 KB), i386 (21.3 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin emulates an output device, that does nothing. All data is silently discarded. That is useful if you just run vdr as recording server orR for streaming and would like to overcome some limitions regarding the handling of a primary device.

This package contains the debugging symbols.

vdr-dbg (2.0.1-1~etobi1+opp~1, main) - Debug symbols for the VDR Video Disc Recorder
Binary for arch amd64 (1.4 MB), i386 (1.4 MB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as output the stream to TV. It is also possible to watch DVDs (hardware accelerated) with some comfort and use an IR remote control.

This package contains the debugging symbols for vdr.

vdr-plugin-vnsiserver-dbg (1:0.9.1+git20130404-1+opp~1, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-vnsiserver
Binary for arch amd64 (232.8 KB), i386 (228.0 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-vnsiserver

vdr-plugin-xineliboutput-dbg (1.0.90+cvs20130404.0241-1+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin for Xine based sofdevice frontends
Binary for arch amd64 (371.9 KB), i386 (365.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This VDR plugin provides an audio, video and control stream, that several libxine based local and remote frontends can use.

This package contains the debugging symbols.

vdr-plugin-avahi4vdr-dbg (10+git20130407-1+opp~1, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-avahi4vdr
Binary for arch amd64 (53.4 KB), i386 (49.6 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-avahi4vdr

libxine2-xvdr-dbg (1.0.90+cvs20130404.0241-1+opp~1, main) - Xine input plugin for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput streams
Binary for arch amd64 (193.1 KB), i386 (183.4 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin adds a new mrl "xvdr://" to Xine, which allows one to play back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

This package contains the debugging symbols.

vdr-plugin-systeminfo-dbg (0.1.3-2+opp~1, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-systeminfo
Binary for arch i386 (28.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-systeminfo

vdr-plugin-dbus2vdr-dbg (8+git20130417-1+opp~1, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-dbus2vdr
Binary for arch amd64 (277.4 KB), i386 (267.9 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-dbus2vdr

libxineliboutput-fbfe-dbg (1.0.90+cvs20130404.0241-1+opp~1, main) - Local framebuffer frontend for the xineliboutput plugin
Binary for arch amd64 (98.4 KB), i386 (98.4 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

The xineliboutput vdr plugin requires this library to provide the built-in local frontend for framebuffer devices.

This package contains the debugging symbols.

vdr-plugin-block-dbg (1:0.1.2~201304020120dev-1+opp~2, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-block
Binary for arch amd64 (78.4 KB), i386 (76.8 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-block

vdr-plugin-sleeptimer-dbg (1:0.8.3~201301261156dev-1+opp~2, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-sleeptimer
Binary for arch amd64 (27.2 KB), i386 (26.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-sleeptimer

vdr-plugin-xmltv2vdr-dbg (0.2.0pre+git20130408-1+opp~1, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-xmltv2vdr
Binary for arch amd64 (216.9 KB), i386 (210.3 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-xmltv2vdr

vdr-plugin-graphtft-dbg (0.3.12+svn20130530.1930-1+opp~1, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-graphtft
Binary for arch amd64 (68.0 KB), i386 (67.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-graphtft

vdr-plugin-filebrowser-dbg (0.2.1-2+opp~1, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-filebrowser
Binary for arch amd64 (149.9 KB), i386 (146.6 KB) | Source dir | changes

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-filebrowser

libglcdskin1-dev (0.1.9+git20120310-1+opp~1, main) - Development files for the GraphLCD graphics library
Binary for arch amd64 (15.9 KB), i386 (15.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

The GraphLCD graphics library

libsockets-dev (, main) - Development files for libsockets
Binary for arch amd64 (338.4 KB), i386 (327.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

A C++ class library wrapping the berkeley sockets C API.

libserdisp-dev (1.97.9-1+opp~1, main) - Development files for the serdisp library
Binary for arch amd64 (143.9 KB), i386 (134.7 KB) | Source dir | changes

This library supports certain serial and parallel LC-displays connected to the parallel port (and also serial port with i2c-displays).

libglcddrivers1-dev (0.1.9+git20120310-1+opp~1, main) - Development files for the GraphLCD drivers library
Binary for arch amd64 (29.8 KB), i386 (29.8 KB) | Source dir | changes

The GraphLCD drivers library provides a common interface for programming different graphical LC displays. Special devices for frambuffer and image output allow to test the GraphLCD routines, without attaching a LC display.

libglcdgraphics2-dev (0.1.9+git20120310-1+opp~1, main) - Development files for the GraphLCD graphics library
Binary for arch amd64 (12.3 KB), i386 (12.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

The GraphLCD graphics library provides methods for processing graphics and fonts to be displayed with the GraphLCD drivers library.

vdr-plugin-rssreader (1.7.3-4+opp~1, main) - VDR Plugin for reading RSS Feeds
Binary for arch amd64 (36.6 KB), i386 (35.4 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

The RSS Reader plugin for VDR provides a simple OSD menu based user interface for reading user-defined RSS streams.

vdr-plugin-skinnopacity (0.1.0+git20130324-2+opp~1, main) - nOpacity skin for VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (4.3 MB), i386 (4.3 MB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

nOpacity is a highly customizable true color skin for the on-screen-display (OSD) of the Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR.

vdr-plugin-undelete (0.0.7-4+opp~1, main) - Plugin for VDR to undelete or purge recently deleted recordings
Binary for arch amd64 (38.8 KB), i386 (38.0 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

VDR doesn't physically erase recordings immediately after deleting them. This plugin gives you the chance to undelete recordings, before VDR truly erases them.

vdr-plugin-dvd (0.3.6~b03+cvs20090426.0013-19+opp~1, main) - DVD playback plugin for VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (61.3 KB), i386 (62.6 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for VDR allows one to play back DVD Video discs from within VDR.

vdr-plugin-markad (0.1.4-5+opp~1, main) - Plugin for VDR to mark advertisements in recordings
Binary for arch amd64 (26.9 KB), i386 (26.6 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for the Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR will search for and mark advertisements in VDR recordings.

vdr-plugin-remoteosd (0.1.1-9+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin to control the OSD of a remote VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (21.5 KB), i386 (21.0 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This VDR plugin displays the menu of a remote VDR as a submenu item in your local VDR OSD menu.

vdr-graphtft-fe (0.3.12+svn20130530.1930-1+opp~1, main) - GraphTFT frontend for der GraphTFT VDR-Plugin
Binary for arch amd64 (20.9 KB), i386 (21.0 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

The GraphTFT frontend allows one to connect to the GraphTFT VDR-Plugin and use an X-Server to show the display data.

vdr-plugin-svdrposd (0.1.1-13+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin that extends the SVDRP command set of VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (13.5 KB), i386 (13.3 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This VDR plugin adds some new OSD related commands to VDR's remote SVDRP control interface.

vdr-plugin-dummydevice (1.0.3-5+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin that emulates a dvb output device
Binary for arch amd64 (10.6 KB), i386 (10.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin emulates an output device, that does nothing. All data is silently discarded. That is useful if you just run vdr as recording server orR for streaming and would like to overcome some limitions regarding the handling of a primary device.

vdr-plugin-skinenigmang (0.1.2+git20130305-5+opp~1, main) - Skin plugin for VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (145.5 KB), i386 (141.8 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

"EnigmaNG" is a standalone skin based on the "Enigma" text2skin addon.

vdr-plugin-fritzbox (1.5.2-5+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin to access certain functions of an AVM Fritz!Box
Binary for arch amd64 (251.5 KB), i386 (246.2 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This VDR plugin connects to the Fritz!Box to inform you about incoming calls. As an option, the plugin can automatically mute VDR when a call comes in.

vdr-plugin-remote (0.5.0-5+opp~1, main) - VDR Plugin to support the built-in remote control port of DVB-Cards
Binary for arch amd64 (35.2 KB), i386 (35.1 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for VDR supports the built-in remote control port of some DVB-Cards or CI-Modules.

vdr-plugin-filebrowser (0.2.1-2+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin for file browsing and executing shell commands
Binary for arch amd64 (64.6 KB), i386 (64.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

With this plugin it's possible to browse the file system in VDR's OSD. It's possible to define commands, that can be executed with the currently selected files. The commands will be executed asynchronously in background.

vdr (2.0.1-1~etobi1+opp~1, main) - Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards
Binary for arch amd64 (1.2 MB), i386 (1.2 MB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as output the stream to TV. It is also possible to watch DVDs (hardware accelerated) with some comfort and use an IR remote control.

This package contains the VDR main program which is controlled via the PC keyboard or a IR remote control.

NOTE: You should install compatible DVB drivers before using these programs. Also the standard VDR (without special plugins) requires a DVB-Card with an integrated mpeg-decoder, a so called Full-Featured Card.

vdr-plugin-softhddevice (0.6.0.git20130404-1+opp~1, main) - HD output device plugin for VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (133.9 KB), i386 (126.6 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for the Linux Video Disc Recorder (VDR) acts as a output frontend with CPU / VA-API / VDPAU supported video decoding.

vdr-plugin-extrecmenu (1.2.2+git20130323-3+opp~1, main) - Plugin for vdr for an enhanced recordings menu
Binary for arch amd64 (87.3 KB), i386 (85.8 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin provides a recordings menu enhanced with the possibility to rename or move recordings.

vdr-plugin-streamdev-server (0.6.0+git20130305-5+opp~1, main) - VDR Plugin to stream Live-TV to other VDR's - server part
Binary for arch amd64 (216.0 KB), i386 (213.0 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for vdr lets the software stream videos into the network. You can interconnect several vdrs that way or watch those streams with special client apps like video lan client or mplayer. This is the server part.

vdr-plugin-imonlcd (1.0.1-2+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin to show information on SoundGraph iMON LCD displays
Binary for arch amd64 (44.1 KB), i386 (43.6 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

imonlcd is a plugin for the Linux Video Disc Recorder and allows one to show information about the current state of VDR on a SoundGraph iMON LCD display.

vdr-plugin-ffnetdev (0.1.2-5+opp~1, main) - VDR network streaming plugin
Binary for arch amd64 (62.3 KB), i386 (62.4 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

The purpose of this plugin is to provide an "easy" way of connecting possible streaming clients such as Dreambox/Tuxbox to VDR by emulating a full featured DVB device that serves an OSD and TS stream over the network. The OSD can be accessed by VNC clients.

xineliboutput-sxfe-vaapi-xvba (1.0.90+cvs20130404.0241-1+opp~1, main) - vdr-plugin-xineliboutput with vaapi xvba (dummy-package)
Binary for arch amd64 (17.5 KB), i386 (17.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This X/Xv/XvMc remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

vdr-plugin-sudoku (0.3.5-17+opp~1, main) - VDR-Plugin to generate and solve Sudokus
Binary for arch amd64 (61.9 KB), i386 (61.8 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin generates Number Place puzzles, so called Sudokus, and let you solve it.

A Sudoku puzzle consists of 9 x 9 cells subdivided into 9 regions with 3 x 3 cells. The rules are simple. There have to be the numbers from 1 to 9 in every row, column and region. In the beginning some numbers are given. These cells are painted with cyan background color. The aim of the puzzle is to find the missing numbers. There is only one solution of a Sudoku puzzle.

vdr-plugin-infosatepg (0.0.12-4+opp~1, main) - include TechniSat EPG data via satelite in vdr
Binary for arch amd64 (42.0 KB), i386 (42.0 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

TechniSat has very good EPG data for up to seven days under the name Sieh-Fern-Info downloadable via satelite. This plugin includes the data into the EPG of vdr. See http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/Infosatepg.

xineliboutput-sxfe (1.0.90+cvs20130404.0241-1+opp~1, main) - Remote X-Server frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput
Binary for arch amd64 (112.2 KB), i386 (109.2 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This X/Xv/XvMc remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

vdr-plugin-tvguide (0.0.2-1+opp~2, main) - Advanced EPG viewer plugin for VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (55.7 KB), i386 (55.1 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

"TvGuide" is a highly customizable 2D EPG viewer plugin for
the Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR.

vdr-plugin-iptv (1.2.1-4+opp~1, main) - IPTV plug-in for VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (77.1 KB), i386 (75.8 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plug-in for the Linux Video Disc Recorder (VDR) seamlessly integrates multicast IPTV transport streams. You can use any IPTV channel like any other normal DVB channel for live viewing, recording, etc. The plug-in also features full section filtering capabilities which allow for example information to be extracted from the Event Information Tabel (EIT) embedded in the incoming stream.

Currently the IPTV plug-in has direct support for both multicast UDP/RTP and unicast HTTP MPEG1/2 transport streams.

vdr-plugin-xineliboutput (1.0.90+cvs20130404.0241-1+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin for Xine based sofdevice frontends
Binary for arch amd64 (284.7 KB), i386 (284.6 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This VDR plugin provides an audio, video and control stream, that several libxine based local and remote frontends can use.

w-scan (20121111-1+opp~1, main) - Channel scanning tool for DVB and ATSC channels
Binary for arch amd64 (113.1 KB), i386 (105.2 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

w_scan scans for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T, DVB-C and ATSC channels and creates a channels.conf, that can be used directly by the Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR. It is also possible to output channels in a format readable by the czap/tzap tools provided by linuxtv-dvb-zap, xine, totem, kaffeine or me-tv.

Unlike the scan utility in linuxtv-dvb-apps, there is no need to specify an initial transponder and w_scan automatically detects the DVB or ATSC card to be used.

vdr-plugin-mp3 (0.10.2-19+opp~1, main) - MP3 playback plugin for VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (168.3 KB), i386 (169.6 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for VDR allows one to play back mp3's, ogg-files and audio-cds.

vdr-plugin-alcd (1.5.2-5+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin for LCD and IR remote of Activy 300 HTPCs
Binary for arch amd64 (50.2 KB), i386 (49.2 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin allows you to use the Activy 300 HTPC remote control in VDR and its LCD to display status information.

vdr-plugin-dvbhddevice (2.0.1-1~etobi1+opp~1, main) - Plugin that adds support for full featured HD-DVB cards to VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (213.0 KB), i386 (211.6 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as output the stream to TV.

This package contains the dvbhddevice-plugin, which implements the output device for the "Full Featured TechnoTrend S2-6400" DVB cards.

vdr-plugin-pvrinput (2012-25-1+git20130319-3+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin allowing to use a Hauppauge PVR card as input device
Binary for arch amd64 (76.0 KB), i386 (74.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin uses a Hauppauge PVR card as an input device. All cards supported by the ivtv driver should work.

vdr-plugin-lcdproc (0.0.10-jw8+git20130323-3+opp~1, main) - Plugin to vdr that connects to lcdproc
Binary for arch amd64 (43.0 KB), i386 (42.2 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for vdr connect the digital PVR to lcdproc.

vdr-plugin-zaphistory (0.9.5-25+opp~1, main) - Plugin for VDR to zap in channels history
Binary for arch amd64 (25.1 KB), i386 (25.0 KB) | Source dir | changes

Just a history of the last visited channels.

vdr-plugin-svdrpservice (0.0.4-19+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin that provides a SVDRP service for other plugins
Binary for arch amd64 (19.9 KB), i386 (19.7 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This VDR plugin offers SVDRP connections as a service to other plugins. Connecting to streamdev's VTP server port is possible too.

vdr-plugin-mlist (1.0.2-4+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin to display the message history
Binary for arch amd64 (15.1 KB), i386 (14.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin displays a list of all shown OSD messages since VDR start up.

vdr-plugin-menuorg (0.5.1-3+opp~1, main) - VDR plug-in to reorganize the OSD main menu
Binary for arch amd64 (42.5 KB), i386 (42.2 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plug-in for the Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR allows the main menu in VDR's On Screen Display to be reorganized. The order of the displayed menu items can be changed and sub menus can be created. Besides this additional "command" menu items can be added, which will execute any system commands.

vdr-plugin-sleeptimer (1:0.8.3~201301261156dev-1+opp~2, main) - Sleeptimer plugin for vdr
Binary for arch amd64 (22.6 KB), i386 (22.0 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Allows one to set a timer for powering off vdr once.

vdr-plugin-externalplayer (0.2.0-2+opp~1, main) - Plugin to VDR that allows usage of external players
Binary for arch amd64 (43.8 KB), i386 (42.6 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

With this plugin it is possible to use players (like MMS, dxr3player, etc.) with VDR that need access to the output-device (FF-DVB, DXR3).

vdr-plugin-graphtft (0.3.12+svn20130530.1930-1+opp~1, main) - GraphTFT Plugin for VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (18.2 KB), i386 (18.2 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This Plugin uses a Framebuffer or VDR device to show status information. So you can use a cheap mini-TFT to show infos about your VDR.

vdr-plugin-remotetimers (0.1.7-3+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin to edit timers on a remote VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (72.5 KB), i386 (71.4 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

With the remotetimers plugin you can add/edit/remove timers on both, the local (client) VDR and a remote (server) VDR. You can even move timers between both VDRs. The plugin has its own implementations of the Schedule, Timer and Recordings menus. All of them are feature extended copies of VDR's original menus, adding e.g. multiuser support.

vdr-plugin-radio (0.9.1-4+opp~2, main) - VDR Plugin that displays images for radio channels
Binary for arch amd64 (378.1 KB), i386 (370.2 KB) | Source dir | changes

Displays mpg-images instead of a black background while watching radio channels.

vdr-plugin-skinelchi (0.2.8-4+opp~1, main) - Skin plugin for vdr
Binary for arch amd64 (149.8 KB), i386 (134.7 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Skinelchi is a skin recreating the look of ElchiAIO + ImprovedOSD.

vdr-plugin-pvr350 (1:1.7.4-3+opp~1, main) - VDR-Plugin that uses a PVR350 as output device
Binary for arch amd64 (40.3 KB), i386 (40.0 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for vdr uses Hauppauge PVR350 as an output device.

NOTE: At least kernel 2.6.21 is required!

xineliboutput-sxfe-vdpau (1.0.90+cvs20130404.0241-1+opp~1, main) - vdr-plugin-xineliboutput with vdpau (dummy-package)
Binary for arch amd64 (17.5 KB), i386 (17.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This X/Xv/XvMc remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

vdr-plugin-live (0.3.0-0+opp~1, main) - Web administration plugin for VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (1.2 MB), i386 (1.2 MB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Live, the "Live Interactive VDR Environment", is a plugin providing the possibility to interactively control the Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR and some of it's plugins from a web interface.

Unlike external programs, like the VDR web frontend "VDRAdmin-AM", that communicate with VDR via its SVDRP socket interface, Live has direct access to VDR's data structures and thus is very fast.

vdr-plugin-text2skin (1.3.2+git20130316-4+opp~1, main) - Plugin to vdr that loads and views skins
Binary for arch amd64 (162.6 KB), i386 (160.6 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin is designed to load and interpret a set of files describing the layout of the On Screen Display and to make this "Skin" available to VDR via Setup -> OSD in the main menu. Of course it is possible to load more than one text-based skin this way and to choose between them while running VDR. All skins may be themeable (you can create your own color-theme) and translateable as the author of the skin wishes.

vdr-plugin-xvdr (1:0.9.9+git20130404-1+opp~1, main) - XBMC XVDR plugin for VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (126.6 KB), i386 (127.2 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for VDR allows XBMC clients to connect.

vdr-plugin-vnsiserver (1:0.9.1+git20130404-1+opp~1, main) - XBMC VNSI plugin for VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (104.3 KB), i386 (104.7 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for VDR allows XBMC clients to connect.

vdr-markad (0.1.4-5+opp~1, main) - Tool to mark advertisements in VDR recordings
Binary for arch amd64 (90.6 KB), i386 (90.9 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This standalone tool provides the same functionality as the Markad plugin for the Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR. It will search for and mark advertisements in VDR recordings.

xineliboutput-sxfe-vaapi-vdpau (1.0.90+cvs20130404.0241-1+opp~1, main) - vdr-plugin-xineliboutput with vaapi vdpau (dummy-package)
Binary for arch amd64 (17.5 KB), i386 (17.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This X/Xv/XvMc remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

vdr-plugin-wirbelscan (0.0.7-3+opp~2, main) - Channelscan plugin for VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (174.6 KB), i386 (156.7 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin allows you to scan for new channels. DVB-T and DVB-C are supported as well as DVB-S and pvrinput/ptv (analog) scan.

vdr-plugin-skyselectfeeds (0.2.8pre20130316-2+opp~1, main) - SkySelectFeeds plugin for vdr to use multifeed option
Binary for arch amd64 (22.9 KB), i386 (22.3 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

SkySelectFeeds is a plugin to use the multifeed option of some Sky channels (Direkt, Sport1, Sport2).

vdr-plugin-xmltv2vdr (0.2.0pre+git20130408-1+opp~1, main) - Plugin for VDR to add epg info from epg sources into vdr
Binary for arch amd64 (101.0 KB), i386 (98.9 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for the Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR will add epg info from epg sources into vdr

vdr-plugin-avards (0.2.5-4+opp~1, main) - VDR plug-in to enlarge 4:3 letterbox format on widescreen displays
Binary for arch amd64 (28.5 KB), i386 (28.2 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

The Avards (Automatic Video Aspect Ratio Detection and Signaling) plug-in for the Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR enlarges widescreen movies, that are sent in a 4:3 letterbox format. This is accomplished by changing the WSS signal sent to the display.

If a program is broadcasted in letterboxed 4:3 it would normally be displayed with black bars on the left, right, top and bottom edges of a 16:9 display. By manipulatin the WSS (wide screen signaling), the Avards plug-in tells the display to enlarge the picture.

The plug-in requires the DVB firmware version to be at least f42623 or newer.

vdr-plugin-streamdev-client (0.6.0+git20130305-5+opp~1, main) - VDR Plugin to stream Live-TV to other VDR's - client part
Binary for arch amd64 (66.0 KB), i386 (65.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for vdr lets the software stream videos into the network. You can interconnect several vdrs that way or watch those streams with special client apps like video lan client or mplayer. This is the client part.

vdr-plugin-femon (1.7.19-4+opp~1, main) - DVB frontend status monitor plugin for VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (106.5 KB), i386 (103.0 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

DVB Frontend Status Monitor (femon) is a VDR plugin that displays signal quality parameters of the tuned channel on the OSD.

vdr-plugin-vompserver (0.4.0-4+opp~1, main) - vdr-plugin for vdr on mediamvp(VOMP)
Binary for arch amd64 (107.7 KB), i386 (107.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

This VDR plugin is a server for the Hauppauge MediaMvp using the free firmware form the mediamvp(VOMP) Project.

vdr-plugin-osdteletext (0.9.4-4+opp~1, main) - Teletext plugin for VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (62.8 KB), i386 (62.3 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for VDR displays teletext directly on the OSD.

vdr-plugin-mplayer (0.10.2-19+opp~1, main) - MPlayer playback plugin for VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (97.4 KB), i386 (96.8 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for VDR allows one to play back any video format supported by MPLayer.

vdr-plugin-dbus2vdr (8+git20130417-1+opp~1, main) - A VDR plugin, control VDR via DBus
Binary for arch amd64 (129.3 KB), i386 (125.2 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This VDR-plugin will expose some methods via DBus to control the vdr

vdr-plugin-statusleds (0.3-31+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin that uses the keyboad LED's to signal the VDR state
Binary for arch amd64 (21.7 KB), i386 (21.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

Running VDR mostly without any GUI (xawtv, kvdr, ...) there is no visual representation of the current VDR state (e.g. recording). This plugin shows VDR status information using the keyboard leds

vdr-plugin-vdrmanager (0.9-3+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin providing service for the VDR-Manager Android App
Binary for arch amd64 (42.4 KB), i386 (41.8 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for the Linux Video Disc Recorder (VDR) is required to use the VDR-Manager Android App. It provides the necessary service interface which allows the VDR Manager App to control the VDR.

vdr-plugin-sysinfo (0.1.3-1+opp~1, main) - vdr.plugin-sysinfo (metapackage)
Binary for arch amd64 (2.5 KB), i386 (2.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package contains meta data for vdr-plugin-systeminfo

vdr-plugin-graphlcd (0.3.0+git20130404-1+opp~1, main) - GraphLCD Plugin for VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (1.7 MB), i386 (1.7 MB) | Source dir | changes

A plugin to support graphical LC Displays with VDR.

vdr-plugin-skinsoppalusikka (2.0.0-0+opp~1, main) - Skin plugin for vdr
Binary for arch amd64 (72.2 KB), i386 (68.3 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

The "Soppalusikka" is a standalone skin based on the "enElchi" text2skin addon.

libxineliboutput-fbfe (1.0.90+cvs20130404.0241-1+opp~1, main) - Local framebuffer frontend for the xineliboutput plugin
Binary for arch amd64 (57.7 KB), i386 (55.6 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

The xineliboutput vdr plugin requires this library to provide the built-in local frontend for framebuffer devices.

vdr-plugin-mousemate (0.1.7-3+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin that allows to control VDR with a mouse
Binary for arch amd64 (29.7 KB), i386 (28.8 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin allows a mouse to be used for controlling some of VDR's functions. VDR's remote control keys are mapped to mouse events. The mouse wheel and up to eight mouse buttons are supported. Different key bindings can be configured for several VDR contexts.

vdr-plugin-games (0.6.3-44+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin providing OSD games like tetris, snake and more
Binary for arch amd64 (36.8 KB), i386 (36.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for VDR allows one to play Tetris, TicTacToe, Tron and Snake via VDR's OSD (On Screen Display).

vdr-plugin-xmltv2vdr-grabber-epgdata2xmltv (0.2.0pre+git20130408-1+opp~1, main) - Epgdata2xmltv Grabber
Binary for arch amd64 (17.4 KB), i386 (17.0 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Epgdata2xmltv Grabber for vdr-plugin-xmltv2vdr

vdr-plugin-director (0.2.8pre20130316-1+opp~1, main) - vdr.plugin-director (metapackage)
Binary for arch amd64 (2.7 KB), i386 (2.7 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package contains meta data for vdr-plugin-skyselectfeeds

vdr-plugin-avahi4vdr (10+git20130407-1+opp~1, main) - A VDR plugin, publish or browser for network service with avahi
Binary for arch amd64 (29.9 KB), i386 (28.4 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This VDR-plugin will expose some methods to publish or browser for network service announced by the avahi-daemon.

vdr-plugin-dvbsddevice (2.0.1-1~etobi1+opp~1, main) - Plugin that adds support for full featured SD-DVB cards to VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (185.4 KB), i386 (184.6 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as output the stream to TV.

This package contains the dvbsddevice-plugin, which implements the output device for the "Full Featured" DVB cards based on the TechnoTrend/Fujitsu-Siemens design.

vdr-plugin-osdserver (0.1.3-9+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin to provide other programs access to the OSD
Binary for arch amd64 (84.7 KB), i386 (82.6 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

The OSDServer plugin allows external programs to access VDR's OSD. OSDServer listens for commands on port 2010 and is mainly intended to be used by shell and perl scripts.

vdr-plugin-systeminfo (0.1.3-2+opp~1, main) - Plugin for vdr to display hardware monitoring data
Binary for arch i386 (19.3 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin displays hardware monitoring data identified by lm-sensors, such as CPU and mainboard temperature, CPU and system fan speed.

vdr-plugin-loadepg (0.2.5-4+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin that loads EPG data sent to Mediahighway receivers
Binary for arch amd64 (61.6 KB), i386 (56.7 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for the Linux Video Disc Recorder (VDR) loads electronic programme guide data (EPG), that is broadcasted for Mediahighway receivers on channels of the Canal+ group, a French film and television studio and distributor.

vdr-plugin-examples (2.0.1-1~etobi1+opp~1, main) - Plugins for vdr to show some possible features
Binary for arch amd64 (247.8 KB), i386 (246.3 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as output the stream to TV.

This package contains the example-plugins hello, osddemo, svccli, svcsvr, skincurses, status and svdrpdemo from the vdr-source. These plugins do not have useful features, they only demonstrate how vdr-plugins work and what is possible to do with them.

vdr-plugin-block (1:0.1.2~201304020120dev-1+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin that skips channels with unwanted content
Binary for arch amd64 (36.7 KB), i386 (36.1 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for the Linux Video Disc Recorder prevents you from being bothered by unwanted broadcasts. Instead of those the screen will stay black, the sound muted, an info message appears in the OSD and after a configurable pause the vdr switches to another channel.

xineliboutput-fbfe (1.0.90+cvs20130404.0241-1+opp~1, main) - Remote Framebuffer frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput
Binary for arch amd64 (70.4 KB), i386 (68.1 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This frambuffer remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

libxine2-xvdr (1.0.90+cvs20130404.0241-1+opp~1, main) - Xine input plugin for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput streams
Binary for arch amd64 (171.7 KB), i386 (166.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin adds a new mrl "xvdr://" to Xine, which allows one to play back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

vdr-plugin-epgsearch (1.0.1~beta3-5+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin that provides extensive EPG searching capabilities
Binary for arch amd64 (653.6 KB), i386 (650.9 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for the Linux Video Disc Recorder (VDR) allows searching the EPG (electronic programme guide) data by defining search terms that can permanently be stored in a list for later reuse. It supports regular expressions and is capable of doing fuzzy searches. EPG-Search scans the EPG in background and can automatically create timers for matching search terms. Besides this it supports searching for repetitions, detection of timer conflicts, sending emails on timer events and much more. Search terms can also be added and modified with vdradmin-am, a web frontend for VDR.

vdr-plugin-dvdswitch (0.2.2-2+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin to create, burn, mount and manage DVD iso images
Binary for arch amd64 (79.9 KB), i386 (78.7 KB) | Source dir | changes

With this VDR plugin it is possible to select between DVD iso images, directories containing a DVD file structure or the real DVD drive and mount them for playback with the DVD plugin. The Plugin allows also to create iso images from a DVD and or to burn them onto a DVD.

vdr-plugin-dynamite (20130404.0151-1+opp~1, main) - A VDR plugin add hotplug functionality to the vdr
Binary for arch amd64 (58.4 KB), i386 (58.4 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

The goal of this plugin is to add hotplug functionality to the vdr. This is achieved by wrapping a helper device around cDvbDevice which checks if the hardware is available.

vdr-plugin-epgsync (0.0.4-17+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin for EPG synchronization between VDR systems
Binary for arch amd64 (19.8 KB), i386 (19.7 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

With this plugin you can import the EPG of a remote VDR. It can either use SVDRP or streamdev's VTP to download the EPG.

libxineliboutput-sxfe (1.0.90+cvs20130404.0241-1+opp~1, main) - Local X-Server frontend for the xineliboutput plugin
Binary for arch amd64 (78.3 KB), i386 (75.6 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

The xineliboutput vdr plugin requires this library to provide the built-in local frontend for X, Xv or XvMC window systems.

vdr-plugin-spider (0.2.2-19+opp~1, main) - Plugin to vdr that implements the card game "Spider Arachnid"
Binary for arch amd64 (58.6 KB), i386 (58.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin is an implementation of the patience game "Spider Arachnid" played on the On Screen Display of your Video Disk Recorder.

vdr-plugin-noepg (0.0.4-3+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin for black listing EPG data of specified channels
Binary for arch amd64 (16.3 KB), i386 (15.9 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for the Linux Video Disc Recorder allows one to disable the EPG data received from the DVB devices for the specified channels when the EPG data is to be received from a different source.

vdr-plugin-osdpip (0.1.2-6+opp~1, main) - OSD Picture-in-Picture-PlugIn for VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (59.1 KB), i386 (58.9 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

OSD Picture-in-Picture is a PlugIn that displays the current channel in a small box on the screen (default upper right corner). You can switch up and down now, watching the progress of the previous channel in the box.

xineliboutput-sxfe-vaapi-i965 (1.0.90+cvs20130404.0241-1+opp~1, main) - vdr-plugin-xineliboutput with vaapi intel (dummy-package)
Binary for arch amd64 (17.5 KB), i386 (17.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This X/Xv/XvMc remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

vdr-plugin-screenshot (0.0.15-1+opp~2, main) - Screenshot plugin for vdr
Binary for arch amd64 (20.6 KB), i386 (20.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

With this plugin you can take still images of your screen.

vdr-plugin-xine (0.9.4-11+opp~2, main) - allows xine to be a display for vdr, the Video Disk Recorder
Binary for arch amd64 (206.2 KB), i386 (204.1 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Plugin for vdr which allows you to use xine, gxine or some other frontend for libxine as a display, instead of relying on an MPEG decoder / TV output card.

xine >= 0.99.2 and gxine >= 0.4.0 have built-in support for vdr. Other frontends may need to be patched.

If you want to use the SVDRP 'grab' command, you'll need mjpegtools (from Christian Marillat's archive) and y4mscaler.

infosatepg (0.1.2-2+opp~1, main) - Retrieves EPG data from the infosat/siehfern program guide
Binary for arch amd64 (20.0 KB), i386 (18.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

infosatepg allows you to receive the EPG data from the infosat/siehfern program guides available on ASTRA 19,2 East.

replex (, main) - Remultiplexer for MPEG2 streams
Binary for arch amd64 (51.9 KB), i386 (50.7 KB) | Source dir | changes

Replex remultiplexes transport stream (TS) data taken from a DVB source. The result is a program stream (PS) that can be burned to a DVD with dvdauthor. Replex can also remultiplex other streams and AVI's with MPEG2 content.

nvram-wakeup (1.1-1+opp~1, main) - A tool to read/write the WakeUp time from/to the BIOS
Binary for arch i386 (95.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

nvram-wakeup can read and write the wake up time in the BIOS (via /dev/nvram on recent 2.4.x kernels or direct I/O port access). On this wake up time the computer will be powered on automatically from the soft-off state. For the video disc recorder VDR, nvram-wakeup installs a hook script, that allows VDR to set a wake up time, when it powers down.

vdr-genindex (0.1.3-1+opp~1, main) - Tool to generate a VDR index file
Binary for arch amd64 (15.1 KB), i386 (15.0 KB) | Source dir | changes

Usefull if you lost the orginal index file or if you want to create an index file for some other video stuff.

tcmplex-panteltje (0.4.7-1+opp~1, main) - audio video multiplexer
Binary for arch amd64 (57.9 KB), i386 (53.8 KB) | Source dir | changes

tcmplex-pantelje is taken from the transcode distribution an has been re-written for 8 audio channels. It also fixes an AC3 bug and supports files > 2GB.

vdr-addon-noad (0.7.3-1+opp~1, main) - VDR-Addon to automatically mark advertisements
Binary for arch amd64 (121.9 KB), i386 (114.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

noad sets cut marks in recordings from Klaus Schmidingers Video Disk Recorder. It does some magic you can read about at http://www.ktet.fh-muenster.de/ina/node1.html.

w-pvrscan (0.snapshot20061011-1+opp~1, main) - Channel scan for ivtv based tv cards
Binary for arch amd64 (281.1 KB), i386 (258.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

A small tool for channel scanning with analogue ivtv based tv cards.

vdr-plugin-burn (0.2.2-2+opp~2, main) - Plugin for vdr that implements dvd conversion and writing
Binary for arch amd64 (399.7 KB), i386 (394.9 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This Plugin enables VDR to write compliant DVDs from VDR recordings while being able to control and watch the process inside VDRs on-screen-display. If the selected recordings don't fit the DVD, the video tracks are requantized (shrinked) automatically.

vdr-addon-tosvcd (0.9-10+opp~1, main) - tosvcd transcodes vdr video files to SVCD or VCD images
Binary for arch i386 (47.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

Some functions:
- synchronises Video/Audio
- tries to repair damaged streams
- split output (with help of mpeg2enc)
- invoke yuvscaler if input is not 480x576
- invoke noise filter on request
- predicts finish time
- predicts final output size
- restarts if output size exceeds CD's capacity to enable full automatic operation
- invoke mplex and vcdimager
- automatically determine number of output CD's An interfacing shell script is provided to integrate tosvcd into vdr

graphlcd-tools (0.1.9+git20120310-1+opp~1, main) - Tools for GraphLCD VDR Plugin
Binary for arch amd64 (37.2 KB), i386 (36.2 KB) | Source dir | changes

Tools to convert pictures and fonts to GraphLCD format and to display pictures and text on the LCD using the GraphLCD drivers library.

libserdisp1 (1.97.9-1+opp~1, main) - Library that supports serial and parallel LC-displays
Binary for arch amd64 (446.7 KB), i386 (406.0 KB) | Source dir | changes

This library supports certain serial and parallel LC-displays connected to the parallel port (and also serial port with i2c-displays).

libglcddrivers1 (0.1.9+git20120310-1+opp~1, main) - Library for programming graphical LC displays
Binary for arch amd64 (89.8 KB), i386 (91.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

The GraphLCD drivers library provides a common interface for programming different graphical LC displays. Special devices for frambuffer and image output allow to test the GraphLCD routines, without attaching a LC display.

libglcdskin1 (0.1.9+git20120310-1+opp~1, main) - Library for handling skins with GraphLCD
Binary for arch amd64 (96.5 KB), i386 (98.0 KB) | Source dir | changes

The GraphLCD graphics library provides methods for processing skins to be displayed with the GraphLCD drivers library.

libglcdgraphics2 (0.1.9+git20120310-1+opp~1, main) - Library for handling graphics and fonts with GraphLCD
Binary for arch amd64 (33.4 KB), i386 (33.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

The GraphLCD graphics library provides methods for processing graphics and fonts to be displayed with the GraphLCD drivers library.

vdr-plugin-sysinfo (0.1.3-2+opp~1, main) - transitional dummy package for vdr-plugin-systeminfo
Binary for arch all (2.8 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This is a transitional dummy package for vdr-plugin-systeminfo. It can safely be removed.

vdr-skin-anthra-sd (0.2.9a-1+opp~2, main) - A dark, anthtacite style skin for the VDR in PAL resolution
Binary for arch all (28.1 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Anthra-SD is a dark, anthtacite style skin for the Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR. It is designed for a PAL resolution of 720x576 and it is not scalable.

The skin will not work with Fullfeaturd-DVB-Cards with only original 2MB memory and DXR3-Cards.

vdr-plugin-svdrpext (0.1.1-13+opp~1, main) - Transitional dummy package
Binary for arch all (3.9 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Package was renamed from vdr-plugin-svdrpext to vdr-plugin-svdrposd

vdr-plugin-director (0.2.8pre20130316-2+opp~1, main) - transitional dummy package for vdr-plugin-director
Binary for arch all (3.0 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This is a transitional dummy package for vdr-plugin-director. It can safely be removed.

vdr-dev (2.0.1-1~etobi1+opp~1, main) - Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards
Binary for arch all (375.3 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as output the stream to TV. It is also possible to watch DVDs (hardware accelerated) with some comfort and use an IR remote control.

This package contains the header files of VDR. You need this package to be able to build vdr-plugins!

vdradmin-am (3.6.9-2+opp~1, main) - Web-based administration tool for vdr
Binary for arch all (408.4 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

vdradmin-am provides a webinterface for managing the Linux Video Disk Recorder (vdr)

make-special-vdr (2.5+opp~1, main) - Make special vdr packages
Binary for arch all (12.8 KB) | Source dir | changes

Make a special variation of the vdr package or of a vdr plugin package. These debian packages could be installed parallel to the standard vdr debian packages in order to test new development versions of vdr. Between the standard and the special variation of vdr can be switched via command menu.

projectx (0.91.0-2+opp~1, main) - Transitonal dummy package for renaming projectx to project-x
Binary for arch all (3.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

This is just a transitonal dummy package for renaming projectx to project-x to match the Ubuntu package.

project-x (0.91.0-2+opp~1, main) - Java based MPEG2 demuxer
Binary for arch all (903.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

Project-X is a Java based MPEG2 demuxer which is able to demux and repair DVB transport streams for later processing.

vdr-firmwares (1.6, main) - Add some firmware files
Binary for arch all (3.6 MB) | Source dir | changes

Add some firmware files to /lib/firmware drxk_a3.mc dvb-fe-bcm3510-01.fw dvb-fe-cx24116.fw dvb-fe-ds3000.fw dvb-fe-ds300x.fw dvb-fe-ds3103.fw dvb-fe-or51132-qam.fw dvb-fe-or51132-vsb.fw dvb-fe-or51211.fw dvb-fe-sp8870.fw dvb-fe-tda10045.fw dvb-fe-tda10046.fw dvb-fe-xc5000-1.6.114.fw dvb-ttpci-01.fw-261a dvb-ttpci-01.fw-261b dvb-ttpci-01.fw-261c dvb-ttpci-01.fw-261d dvb-ttpci-01.fw-261f dvb-ttpci-01.fw-2622 dvb-ttpci-01.fw-fc2624 dvb-ttpremium-fpga-01.fw dvb-ttpremium-loader-01.fw dvb-ttpremium-st7109-01.fw dvb-usb-af9035-02.fw_0184ba128bee3befe2fc49f144a8dbab_12.5.13.0_6.8.13.0 dvb-usb-af9035-02.fw_085e676dc50addf538b6cb18f4ca233a_12.13.15.0_6.20.15.0 dvb-usb-af9035-02.fw_14ae2b81bac90ff5c6b490c225265267_12.13.15.0_6.20.15.0 dvb-usb-af9035-02.fw_3735d499d945a6bb873a7f3ad5c701fa_12.13.15.0_6.20.15.0 dvb-usb-af9035-02.fw_7cdc1e3aba54f3a9ad052dc6a29603fd_11.10.10.0_5.33.10.0 dvb-usb-af9035-02.fw_f71efe295151ba76cac2280680b69f3f_11.5.9.0_5.17.9.1 dvb-usb-avertv-a800-02.fw dvb-usb-az6027-03.fw dvb-usb-bluebird-01.fw dvb-usb-dib0700-1.10.fw dvb-usb-dib0700-1.20.fw dvb-usb-dibusb- dvb-usb-dibusb- dvb-usb-dtt200u-01.fw dvb-usb-nova-t-usb2-01.fw dvb-usb-nova-t-usb2-02.fw dvb-usb-opera-01.fw dvb-usb-opera1-fpga-01.fw dvb-usb-s630.fw dvb-usb-s660.fw dvb-usb-SkyStar_USB_HD_FW_v17_63.HEX.fw dvb-usb-terratec-h5-drxk.fw dvb-usb-terratec-h7-az6007.fw dvb-usb-terratec-h7-drxk.fw dvb-usb-teviis660.fw dvb-usb-tt-s2400-01.fw dvb-usb-umt-010-02.fw dvb-usb-vp702x-01.fw dvb-usb-vp7045-01.fw dvb-usb-wt220u-01.fw dvb-usb-wt220u-02.fw ngene_18.fw sms1xxx-hcw-114xxx-cmmb-01.fw sms1xxx-hcw-55xxx-dvbt-01.fw sms1xxx-hcw-55xxx-dvbt-02.fw sms1xxx-hcw-55xxx-dvbt-03.fw sms1xxx-hcw-55xxx-isdbt-02.fw sms1xxx-hcw-55xxx-isdbt-03.fw v4l-cx231xx-avcore-01.fw v4l-cx23418-apu.fw v4l-cx23418-cpu.fw v4l-cx23418-dig.fw v4l-cx23885-avcore-01.fw v4l-cx23885-enc.fw v4l-cx25840.fw xc3028-v27.fw

vdr-oppsettings (1.5, main) - Make some changes
Binary for arch all (266.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

Make some changes to vdr packages Make dir /video and linked it to /var/lib/video.00 Added some Channels.conf and Diseqc.conf

svdrpservice-dev (0.0.4-19+opp~1, main) - VDR svdrpservice plugin development files
Binary for arch all (7.3 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Header files for VDR plugins that use the svdrpservice plugin.

vdr-xxv-skins (1.1.8+opp~1, main) - Some skins for the vdr-xxv package
Binary for arch all (507.3 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

These skins give XXV a new look. You can switch between different skins from within XXV's configuration page.

vdr-skins-speciallogos (0.2+opp~1, main) - Special channel logos for text2skin skins
Binary for arch all (117.0 KB) | Source dir | changes

Non-standard-logos for skins which have been removed from vdr-skins due to DFSG issues.

vdr-xxv (1.2-2+opp~1, main) - Provides a central service to administer VDR
Binary for arch all (480.9 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

XXV runs as a daemon and provides a central service to administer VDR, similar to VDRAdmin. Extendable by plugins, XXV provides a http daemon, a telnet server and a WAP server. It allows to manage timers, auto timers, channels, recordings and much more.

vdr-tft-brst (0.0.6-2+opp~1, main) - Brst's theme for the GraphTFT plugin
Binary for arch all (888.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

This is brst's theme for the GraphTFT plugin that was inspired by the HighTech skin of the text2skin plugin.

vdr-tft-standard (0.0.7-2+opp~1, main) - Standard theme for the GraphTFT plugin
Binary for arch all (518.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

This is the standard theme for the GraphTFT plugin that uses a Framebuffer or VDR device to show Status Informations.

vdr-addon-vdrconvert (0.1.1-17+opp~1, main) - VDR addon to convert recordings to different formats
Binary for arch all (5.0 MB) | Source dir | changes

vdr-addon-vdrconvert converts VDR recordings to a bunch of common formats including DVD, (S)VCD, DivX, MP3 ... It does this with a couple of other tools. If you like it may even burn those to DVD+-R/RW or CD-R/RW and print some labels.

vdr-tft-poetter (0.0.2-3+opp~1, main) - Poetter's theme for the GraphTFT plugin
Binary for arch all (1.6 MB) | Source dir | changes

This is poetter's theme for the GraphTFT plugin based on the MetalShinyBlue theme.

dvb-s2api-liplianin-source (0~2010-06-11.hg15072-1+opp~1, main) - dvb-s2api-liplianin DVB driver modules sources
Binary for arch all (4.0 MB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

The sources for the dvb-s2api-liplianin DVB driver modules, which are a development snapshot of improved DVB S2API drivers coming as out-of-tree modules which replace the standard kernel modules. Sooner or later these drivers will get merged into the kernel.

oppserver-keyring (2013.02.02+opp~2, main) - GnuPG archive key of the oppserver.net repository
Binary for arch all (4.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

The oppserver.net repository digitally signs its Release files. This package contains the repository key used for that.

vdr-burnbackgrounds (0.0.1-4+opp~1, main) - Background images for burn plugin with Moronimo patch
Binary for arch all (3.2 MB) | Source dir | changes

Some genre background images provided by Thomas_d and Karsten.

dvb-s2api-liplianin-headers (0~2010-06-11.hg15072-1+opp~1, main) - Header files for the dvb-s2api-liplianin DVB driver modules
Binary for arch all (144.2 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Includes the header files for the dvb-s2api-liplianin DVB driver modules which differ from the standard headers provided for the kernel.

vdr-addon-tvmovie2vdr (0.5.14-4+opp~2, main) - VDR addon for using online programme guides as EPG data source
Binary for arch all (57.6 KB) | Source dir | changes

This addon loads data from online program guides like TVMovie and inserts them into VDR's EPG-data.

vdr-enigmang-icons (20070702-2+opp~1, main) - Channel logos and other icons for the skinenigmang plugin
Binary for arch all (553.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

A set of channel logos and other icons in xpm format.

vdr-vompclient-mvp (0.3.1-1+opp~1, main) - mediamvp client firmware for vomp
Binary for arch all (2.0 MB) | Source dir | changes

This is the client firmware from the mediamvp(VOMP) Project, that will be loaded into the Hauppauge MediaMvp by the built-in TFTP server of the VDR vompserver plugin.

vdr-addon-acpiwakeup (0.0.11+opp~1, main) - Addon that enables vdr to wakeup itself using ACPI
Binary for arch all (5.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

This vdr addon uses ACPI to set an alarm time with the next timer, when vdr shuts down.

vdr-addon-sharemarks (0.1.4~PRE5-1+opp~1, main) - VDR-Add-on to share marks using a central web server
Binary for arch all (32.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

This package allows the mapping of cutting marks, as used by the VDR, to the video stream's PTSs (Presentation Time Stamps) and vice versa. Since the PTSs should be the same independent of system time and other user configured settings, it should be the ideal format for sharing cutting marks between VDR users.

vdr-addon-lifeguard (0.0.4+opp~1, main) - Check whether VDR should shutdown the machine
Binary for arch all (5.2 KB) | Source dir | changes

Perform various tests specified by the user when VDR wants to shutdown the machine. Shutdown is postponed if any of the tests indicate, that there are other processes that should not be interrupted.

vdr-skins (0.8+opp~1, main) - Skins for VDR's text2skin plugin
Binary for arch all (220.6 KB) | Source dir | changes

Several skins for VDR's text2skin plugin.

vdr-channellogos (0.0.3-3+opp~1, main) - Channel logos for the text2skin plugin
Binary for arch all (441.6 KB) | Source dir | changes

A set of channel logos shared by some text2skin skins

vdr-tft-enigma (0.0.3-1+opp~1, main) - Enigma theme for the GraphTFT plugin
Binary for arch all (508.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

This is a theme for the GraphTFT plugin that was inspired by the Enigma skin of the text2skin plugin.

vdrsync (, main) - Perl Script for processing VDR recordings
Binary for arch all (190.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

VDRsync is a perl script to demux VDR recordings and correcting for missing/additional Audio frames to ensure sync of audio and video streams. It may even spit out a ready to burn DVD-Image.

vdr-tft-deepblue (0.0.5-1+opp~1, main) - DeepBlue theme for the GraphTFT plugin
Binary for arch all (1.7 MB) | Source dir | changes

This is the DeepBlue theme for the GraphTFT plugin that is inspired by the DeepBlue skin of the text2skin plugin.

vdr-xpmlogos (0.0.3-1+opp~1, main) - Channel logos in xpm format
Binary for arch all (1.6 MB) | Source dir | changes

A set of channel logos in xpm format.

libxml-simple-dtdreader-perl (0.04-2+opp~1, main) - Simple XML file reading based on their DTDs
Binary for arch all (11.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

XML::Simple::DTDReader aims to be a XML::Simple drop-in replacement, but with several aspects of the module controlled by the XML's DTD. Specifically, array folding and array forcing are inferred from the DTD.

Currently, only XMLin is supported; support for XMLout is planned for later releases.

This description was automagically extracted from the module by dh-make-perl.

libhtml-tablecontentparser-perl (0.13-2+opp~1, main) - Do interesting things with the contents of tables.
Binary for arch all (8.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

This package pulls out the contents of a table from a string containing HTML. Each time a table is encountered, data will be stored in an array consisting of a hash of whatever was discovered about the table -- id, name, border, cellspacing etc, and of course data contained within the table.

vdr-plugin-systeminfo-dbg (0.1.3-1+opp~1, main) - debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-systeminfo
Binary for arch amd64 (29.0 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package contains only the debugging symbols for vdr-plugin-systeminfo

vdr-plugin-systeminfo (0.1.3-1+opp~1, main) - Plugin for vdr to display hardware monitoring data
Binary for arch amd64 (19.1 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin displays hardware monitoring data identified by lm-sensors, such as CPU and mainboard temperature, CPU and system fan speed.

nvram-wakeup (1.1-2+opp~1, main) - Read/write the WakeUp time from/to the BIOS
Binary for arch amd64 (103.0 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

nvram-wakeup can read and write the wake up time in the BIOS (via /dev/nvram on recent 2.4.x kernels or direct I/O port access). On this wake up time the computer will be powered on automatically from the soft-off state. For the video disc recorder VDR, nvram-wakeup installs a hook script, that allows VDR to set a wake up time, when it powers down.

Lenny 5.0

Einträge für /etc/apt/sources.list / Entries for /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ lenny main non-free contrib
deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ lenny main non-free contrib

oder mit folgendem Befehl / or with the following command::

sudo su -c 'echo "deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ lenny main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list'
sudo su -c 'echo "deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ lenny main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list'
sudo aptitude update

oder als root / or as root:
echo "deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ lenny main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list
echo "deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ lenny main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list
aptitude update

Zu allen Paketen wird das debian-multimedia und das backports Repository benötigt. / For all packages, the debian-multimedia and the backports repository is needed.

deb http://archive.debian.org/debian-backports lenny-backports main contrib non-free
deb-src http://archive.debian.org/debian-backports lenny-backports main contrib non-free

deb http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ lenny main non-free
deb-src http://www.deb-multimedia.org/ lenny main

vdr-dbg (1.6.0-17ctvdr1+opp~2, main) - Debuggable version of the VDR Video Disk Recorder
Binary for arch amd64 (1.4 MB), i386 (1.4 MB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This package installs an unoptimized vdr binary with debugging symbols as well as some helper scripts to debug VDR and its plugins.

xineliboutput-sxfe (1.0.90+cvs20110424.1729-1+opp~1, main) - Remote X-Server frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput
Binary for arch amd64 (107.5 KB), i386 (104.4 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This X/Xv/XvMc remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

vdr-plugin-block (0.1.1-0+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin that skips channels not matching your "block"
Binary for arch amd64 (37.2 KB), i386 (36.1 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

With this plugin VDR will skip every channel that doesn't match your "block". The current programme (if available) is checked against a blacklist, and if it matches, a message will be displayed and the channel will be skipped.

vdr (1.6.0-17ctvdr1+opp~2, main) - Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards
Binary for arch amd64 (901.7 KB), i386 (868.7 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as output the stream to TV. It is also possible to watch DVDs (hardware accelerated) with some comfort and use an IR remote control.

This package contains the vdr main program which is controlled via the PC keyboard or a IR remote control.

NOTE: You should install compatible DVB drivers before using these programs. Also the standard VDR (without special plugins) requires a DVB-Card with an integrated mpeg-decoder, a so called Full-Featured Card.

xineliboutput-sxfe-vaapi-i965 (1.0.90+cvs20110424.1729-1+opp~1, main) - vdr-plugin-xineliboutput with vaapi i965 (dummy-package)
Binary for arch amd64 (24.7 KB), i386 (24.7 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This X/Xv/XvMc remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

libxineliboutput-sxfe (1.0.90+cvs20110424.1729-1+opp~1, main) - Local X-Server frontend for the xineliboutput plugin
Binary for arch amd64 (74.2 KB), i386 (71.2 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

The xineliboutput vdr plugin requires this library to provide the built-in local frontend for X, Xv or XvMC window systems.

vdr-plugin-examples (1.6.0-17ctvdr1+opp~2, main) - Plugins for vdr to show some possible features
Binary for arch amd64 (76.8 KB), i386 (74.1 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as output the stream to TV.

This package contains the example-plugins hello, osddemo, svccli, svcsvr, skincurses, status and svdrpdemo from the vdr-source. These plugins do not have useful features, they only demonstrate how vdr-plugins work and what is possible to do with them.

vdr-plugin-xineliboutput (1.0.90+cvs20110424.1729-1+opp~1, main) - VDR plugin for Xine based sofdevice frontends
Binary for arch amd64 (278.9 KB), i386 (278.1 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This VDR plugin provides an audio, video and control stream, that several libxine based local and remote frontends can use.

xineliboutput-fbfe (1.0.90+cvs20110424.1729-1+opp~1, main) - Remote Framebuffer frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput
Binary for arch amd64 (67.5 KB), i386 (65.2 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This frambuffer remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

xineliboutput-sxfe-vaapi-xvba (1.0.90+cvs20110424.1729-1+opp~1, main) - vdr-plugin-xineliboutput with vaapi xvba (dummy-package)
Binary for arch amd64 (24.7 KB), i386 (24.7 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This X/Xv/XvMc remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

xineliboutput-sxfe-vdpau (1.0.90+cvs20110424.1729-1+opp~1, main) - vdr-plugin-xineliboutput with vdpau (dummy-package)
Binary for arch amd64 (24.7 KB), i386 (24.7 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This X/Xv/XvMc remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

libxineliboutput-fbfe (1.0.90+cvs20110424.1729-1+opp~1, main) - Local framebuffer frontend for the xineliboutput plugin
Binary for arch amd64 (54.8 KB), i386 (52.5 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

The xineliboutput vdr plugin requires this library to provide the built-in local frontend for framebuffer devices.

vdr-plugin-vnsiserver (1:0.0.1+git20110512-0+opp~1, main) - XBMC VNSI plugin for VDR
Binary for arch amd64 (92.0 KB), i386 (92.2 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin for VDR allows XBMC clients to connect.

xineliboutput-sxfe-vaapi-vdpau (1.0.90+cvs20110424.1729-1+opp~1, main) - vdr-plugin-xineliboutput with vaapi vdpau (dummy-package)
Binary for arch amd64 (24.8 KB), i386 (24.7 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This X/Xv/XvMc remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

libxine2-xvdr (1.0.90+cvs20110424.1729-1+opp~1, main) - Xine input plugin for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput streams
Binary for arch amd64 (163.5 KB), i386 (158.3 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

This plugin adds a new mrl "xvdr://" to Xine, which allows to play back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

vdr-plugin-sky (1.6.0-17ctvdr1+opp~2, main) - Plugin for using a Sky Digibox with vdr
Binary for arch amd64 (35.5 KB), i386 (35.3 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as output the stream to TV.

This package contains the sky-plugin, which allows you to connect the analog a/v output of a Sky Digibox to VDR, so that you can enjoy the full recording flexibility of VDR with your Sky subscription.

vdr-plugin-xine (0.9.4-1.etobi1+opp~2, main) - allows xine to be a display for vdr, the Video Disk Recorder
Binary for arch amd64 (170.0 KB), i386 (167.4 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Plugin for vdr which allows you to use xine, gxine or some other frontend for libxine as a display, instead of relying on an MPEG decoder / TV output card.

xine >= 0.99.2 and gxine >= 0.4.0 have built-in support for vdr. Other frontends may need to be patched.

If you want to use the SVDRP 'grab' command, you'll need mjpegtools (from Christian Marillat's archive) and y4mscaler.

vdr-dev (1.6.0-17ctvdr1+opp~2, main) - Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards
Binary for arch all (296.3 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as output the stream to TV. It is also possible to watch DVDs (hardware accelerated) with some comfort and use an IR remote control.

This package contains the header files of VDR. You need this package to be able to build vdr-plugins!

vdr-skin-anthra-sd (0.2.6-1+opp~1, main) - A dark, anthtacite style skin for the VDR in PAL resolution
Binary for arch all (27.7 KB) | Source dir | changes | Homepage

Anthra-SD is a dark, anthtacite style skin for the Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR. It is designed for a PAL resolution of 720x576 and it is not scalable.

The skin will not work with Fullfeaturd-DVB-Cards with only original 2MB memory and DXR3-Cards.

vdr-oppsettings (1.1, main) - Make some changes
Binary for arch all (266.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

Make some changes to vdr packages Make dir /video and linked it to /var/lib/video.00 Added some Channels.conf and Diseqc.conf

vdr-firmwares (1.2, main) - Add some firmware files
Binary for arch all (1.3 MB) | Source dir | changes

Add some firmware files to /lib/firmware dvb-fe-bcm3510-01.fw dvb-fe-cx24116.fw dvb-fe-ds3000.fw dvb-fe-or51132-qam.fw dvb-fe-or51132-vsb.fw dvb-fe-or51211.fw dvb-fe-sp8870.fw dvb-fe-tda10045.fw dvb-fe-tda10046.fw dvb-ttpci-01.fw-261a dvb-ttpci-01.fw-261b dvb-ttpci-01.fw-261c dvb-ttpci-01.fw-261d dvb-ttpci-01.fw-261f dvb-ttpci-01.fw-2622 dvb-ttpci-01.fw-fc2624 dvb-usb-avertv-a800-02.fw dvb-usb-bluebird-01.fw dvb-usb-dib0700-1.10.fw dvb-usb-dibusb- dvb-usb-dibusb- dvb-usb-dtt200u-01.fw dvb-usb-nova-t-usb2-01.fw dvb-usb-nova-t-usb2-02.fw dvb-usb-opera-01.fw dvb-usb-opera1-fpga-01.fw dvb-usb-s630.fw dvb-usb-teviis660.fw dvb-usb-umt-010-02.fw dvb-usb-vp702x-01.fw dvb-usb-vp7045-01.fw dvb-usb-wt220u-01.fw dvb-usb-wt220u-02.fw sms1xxx-hcw-114xxx-cmmb-01.fw sms1xxx-hcw-55xxx-dvbt-01.fw sms1xxx-hcw-55xxx-dvbt-02.fw sms1xxx-hcw-55xxx-dvbt-03.fw sms1xxx-hcw-55xxx-isdbt-02.fw sms1xxx-hcw-55xxx-isdbt-03.fw v4l-cx231xx-avcore-01.fw v4l-cx23418-apu.fw v4l-cx23418-cpu.fw v4l-cx23418-dig.fw v4l-cx23885-avcore-01.fw v4l-cx23885-enc.fw

Etch 4.0

Einträge für /etc/apt/sources.list / Entries for /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ etch main non-free contrib
deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ etch main non-free contrib

oder mit folgendem Befehl / or with the following command::

sudo su -c 'echo "deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ etch main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list'
sudo su -c 'echo "deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ etch main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list'
sudo aptitude update

oder als root / or as root:
echo "deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ etch main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list
echo "deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ etch main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list
aptitude update

Zu allen Paketen wird das backports Repository benötigt. / For all packages, the backports repository is needed

deb http://archive.debian.org/debian-backports etch-backports main contrib non-free
deb-src http://archive.debian.org/debian-backports etch-backports main contrib non-free

vdr-plugin-image (0.2.7-16+opp~2, main) - Image plugin for vdr
Binary for arch i386 (128.0 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin implements a image viewer for vdr.

vdr-plugin-osdserver (0.1.2-1+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin to provide other programs access to the OSD
Binary for arch i386 (80.6 KB) | Source dir | changes

The OSDServer plugin allows external programs to access VDR's OSD. OSDServer listens for commands on port 2010 and is mainly intended to be used by shell and perl scripts.

vdr-plugin-vdrcd (, main) - Mediadetection Plugin for vdr
Binary for arch i386 (18.0 KB) | Source dir | changes

This Plugin tries to identify the type of a Media Disc inserted into your CD-ROM/DVD drive. If the type of media is known and an appropriate Plugin is loaded, it starts it.

If you have a VDR directory structure on that disc, it launches VDR's own Recording Menu.

This also works if you have the MPEG- files stored directly in the root of the disc, starting with 001.vdr.

vdr-plugin-taste (0.0.2d+cvs20080102.1814-6+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin that skips channels not matching your "taste"
Binary for arch i386 (21.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

With this plugin VDR will skip every channel that doesn't match your "taste". The current programme (if available) is checked against a blacklist, and if it matches, a message will be displayed and the channel will be skipped.

vdr-plugin-mlcd (0.0.4a-45+opp~2, main) - Multitainer support for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (14.7 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin enables the build-in display of a Fujitsu-Siemens MULTITAINER for use with VDR.

vdr-plugin-yaepg (0.0.2-27+opp~2, main) - Yet another EPG for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (26.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

Yaepg (Yet Another Electronic Programming Guide) is an EPG that tries to simulate the look and feel of a commercial IRD.

vdr-plugin-playlist (0.0.1+0.0.2rc3-28+opp~2, main) - Plugin for VDR to display playlists for recordings
Binary for arch i386 (55.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

This is a plugin to create and play playlists of recordings.

vdr-plugin-xineliboutput (1.0.3-1etch1+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin for Xine based sofdevice frontends
Binary for arch i386 (228.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

This VDR plugin provides an audio, video and control stream, that several libxine based local and remote frontends can use.

vdr-plugin-vompserver (0.3.0-2+opp~2, main) - vdr-plugin for vdr on mediamvp(VOMP)
Binary for arch i386 (77.8 KB) | Source dir | changes

This VDR plugin is a server for the Hauppauge MediaMvp using the free firmware form the mediamvp(VOMP) Project.

vdr-plugin-dummydevice (1.0.2-14+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin that emulates a dvb output device
Binary for arch i386 (7.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin emulates an output device, that does nothing. All data is silently discarded. That is useful if you just run vdr as recording server orR for streaming and would like to overcome some limitions regarding the handling of a primary device.

vdr-plugin-rssreader (1.6.2-1+opp~2, main) - VDR Plugin for reading RSS Feeds
Binary for arch i386 (31.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

The RSS Reader plugin for VDR provides a simple OSD menu based user interface for reading user-defined RSS streams.

vdr-plugin-muggle (0.2.1-1+opp~2, main) - Media juggle plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (434.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin allows the management of arbitrary media files via a database using VDR and its OSD.

vdr-plugin-vbox (0.5.1-35+opp~2, main) - Vbox plugin for vdr
Binary for arch i386 (42.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin is a frontend to the isdn answering machine vbox2.

vdr-plugin-pim (0.0.8-6+opp~2, main) - PIM plugin for vdr
Binary for arch i386 (49.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin is a Personal Information Manager.

vdr-plugin-svdrpservice (0.0.4-1+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin that provides a SVDRP service for other plugins
Binary for arch i386 (18.7 KB) | Source dir | changes

This VDR plugin offers SVDRP connections as a service to other plugins. Connecting to streamdev's VTP server port is possible too.

vdr-plugin-tvonscreen (1.0.141-18+opp~2, main) - Plugin for vdr, that displays EPG data like in a typical TV guide
Binary for arch i386 (36.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugins shows the EPG data in the typical way a TV magazine does. The channels are shown from left to right, 3 on one screen.

vdr-plugin-mldonkey (0.0.4a-43+opp~2, main) - Displays mldonkey downloads
Binary for arch i386 (12.0 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin displayes the download status of the PeerToPeer Client Software mldonkey. You need a running mldonkey Client to use this Plugin.

vdr-plugin-screenshot (0.0.11-19+opp~2, main) - Screenshot plugin for vdr
Binary for arch i386 (17.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

With this plugin you can take still images of your screen.

vdr-plugin-lastfm (0.2.2-1+opp~2, main) - Last.fm plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (269.6 KB) | Source dir | changes

Plugin for VDR which allows playing music provided by last.fm while showing additional title information on your OnScreenDisplay.

vdr-plugin-pilot (0.0.9-15+opp~2, main) - Pilot plugin for vdr
Binary for arch i386 (25.2 KB) | Source dir | changes

Pilot is a plugin for VDR that brings the ability to fastly browse the EPG information (Extended Program Guide) without being forced to switch to a channel. It makes it easy to see what is going on on other channels while still looking at the current channel.

vdr-plugin-noepgmenu (0.0.6~beta4-2+opp~2, main) - VDR-Plugin to switch on and off the EPG for a channel
Binary for arch i386 (19.2 KB) | Source dir | changes

A simple OSD to manage the channels for the noEPG patch.

vdr-plugin-director (0.2.8-19+opp~2, main) - Director plugin for vdr to use multifeed option
Binary for arch i386 (16.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

Director is a plugin to use the multifeed option of some Premiere channels (Direkt, Sport1, Sport2).

vdr-plugin-femon (1.6.5-1+opp~2, main) - DVB frontend status monitor plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (77.6 KB) | Source dir | changes

DVB Frontend Status Monitor (femon) is a VDR plugin that displays signal quality parameters of the tuned channel on the OSD.

vdr-plugin-skinsoppalusikka (1.6.2-1+opp~2, main) - Skin plugin for vdr
Binary for arch i386 (60.2 KB) | Source dir | changes

The "Soppalusikka" is a standalone skin based on the "enElchi" text2skin addon.

vdr-plugin-statusleds (0.3-25+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin that uses the keyboad LED's to signal the VDR state
Binary for arch i386 (17.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

Running VDR mostly without any GUI (xawtv, kvdr, ...) there is no visual representation of the current VDR state (e.g. recording). This plugin shows VDR status informations using the keyboard leds

vdr-plugin-nordlichtsepg (0.8a-24+opp~2, main) - Nordlicht's EPG for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (21.2 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin provides an EPG (Electronic Program Guide) similar to VDR's "What's on now?"-menu. Unlike this it also shows channels without epg-infos. You can browse the epg with an adjustable step width. It is also possible to set a time at the setup to which you can jump by keypress, with the keys 1-7 you can jump 1-7 days forward. A bargraph at the "What's on now?"-view shows the progress of the running program. Timers are marked with a clock-icon, recording timers with a 'REC'-icon. It is possible, also for channels without epg-infos, to set timers.

vdr-plugin-spider (0.2.1-4+opp~2, main) - Plugin to vdr that implements the card game "Spider Arachnid"
Binary for arch i386 (59.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin is an implementation of the patience game "Spider Arachnid" played on the On Screen Display of your Video Disk Recorder.

vdr (1.6.0-8ctvdr1+opp~2, main) - Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards
Binary for arch i386 (1.1 MB) | Source dir | changes

Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as output the stream to TV. It is also possible to watch DVDs (hardware accelerated) with some comfort and use an IR remote control.

This package contains the vdr main program which is controlled via the PC keyboard or a IR remote control.

NOTE: You should install compatible DVB drivers before using these programs. Also the standard VDR (without special plugins) requires a DVB-Card with an integrated mpeg-decoder, a so called Full-Featured Card.

vdr-plugin-sleeptimer (0.7-19+opp~2, main) - Sleeptimer plugin for vdr
Binary for arch i386 (13.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

Allows to set a timer for powering off vdr once.

vdr-plugin-podcatcher (0.1.2-1+opp~2, main) - VDR-Plugin to download and play podcasts
Binary for arch i386 (97.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

With the Podcatcher plugin you can subscribe to podcasts. It allows you to browse through the podcasts, download and play them.

vdr-plugin-zaphistory (0.9.5-17+opp~2, main) - Plugin for VDR to zap in channels history
Binary for arch i386 (25.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

Just a history of the last visited channels.

vdr-plugin-live (0.2.0-3+opp~2, main) - Web administration plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (1.0 MB) | Source dir | changes

Live, the "Live Interactive VDR Environment", is a plugin providing the possibility to interactively control the Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR and some of it's plugins from a web interface.

Unlike external programs, like the VDR web frontend "VDRAdmin-AM", that communicate with VDR via its SVDRP socket interface, Live has direct access to VDR's data structures and thus is very fast.

vdr-plugin-mplayer (0.10.1-12+opp~2, main) - MPlayer playback plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (92.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for VDR allows to play back any video format supported by MPLayer.

vdr-plugin-bitstreamout (0.89c-1+opp~2, main) - Plugin for VDR to play AC3 sound over a sound card
Binary for arch i386 (75.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for VDR allows to pass AC3 audio streams received from a DVB card or other VDR devices to the SPDIF port of any ALSA-compatible sound card.

vdr-plugin-softplay (0.0.2+cvs20060323-27+opp~2, main) - Plays media files with VDR and the Softdevice plugin
Binary for arch i386 (47.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

The Softplay plugin reads any media files supported by ffmpeg and uses the Softdevice plugin to play them back.

vdr-plugin-skinelchi (0.1.1~pre2-13+opp~2, main) - Skin plugin for vdr
Binary for arch i386 (92.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

Skinelchi is a skin recreating the look of ElchiAIO + ImprovedOSD.

vdr-plugin-burn (0.1.0~pre21-29+opp~2, main) - Plugin for vdr that implements dvd conversion and writing
Binary for arch i386 (397.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

This Plugin enables VDR to write compliant DVDs from VDR recordings while being able to control and watch the process inside VDRs on-screen-display. If the selected recordings don't fit the DVD, the video tracks are requantized (shrinked) automatically.

vdr-plugin-osdtest256 (0.1.0-27+opp~2, main) - Display a full color OSD
Binary for arch i386 (7.0 KB) | Source dir | changes

This Plugin displays a full color OSD to test modded (4MB) FF cards.

vdr-plugin-clock (1.0.0-3+opp~2, main) - Clock plugin for vdr
Binary for arch i386 (39.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

A small clock in the Top right corner. The clock will be disabled as soon as you press any other button.

vdr-plugin-alcd (1.3.0-1+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin for LCD and IR remote of Activy 300 HTPCs
Binary for arch i386 (34.2 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin allows you to use the Activy 300 HTPC remote control in VDR and its LCD to display status information.

vdr-plugin-extb (0.3.0-3+opp~2, main) - VDR-Plugin to support the VDR Extension Board
Binary for arch i386 (70.8 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin controls the VDR Extension Board, a special piece of hardware to extend the PC running VDR with an IR controller, a video switch matrix and much more. See:


vdr-plugin-epgsync (0.0.2-16+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin for EPG synchronization between VDR systems
Binary for arch i386 (15.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

With this plugin you can import the EPG of a remote VDR. It can either use SVDRP or streamdev's VTP to download the EPG.

vdr-plugin-weatherng (0.0.6+0.0.7pre2-30+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin to download and display weather maps and forecasts
Binary for arch i386 (201.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin can download weather maps from the Internet and display them on VDR's OSD. With a freely available licence from www.weather.com it will also display weather forecast information for the next 10 days.

vdr-plugin-trayopen (0.0.3-29+opp~2, main) - Plugin for VDR to open and close the CD/DVD Tray
Binary for arch i386 (11.8 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin allows to open and close the tray of the CD or DVD drive from within VDR's OSD menu or with a "hot key" on the remote defined in keymacros.conf.

vdr-plugin-recstatus (0+0.0.1.beta1-24+opp~2, main) - VDR-Plugin to display the recording status of the available devices
Binary for arch i386 (11.6 KB) | Source dir | changes

This is a simple plugin, that displays the recording status of the available devices. Each device shows its current recordings with their start time and title. Selecting a recording and pressing 'ok' starts it for timeshift viewing.

vdr-plugin-surfer (0.0.2-28+opp~2, main) - VDR Plugin to browse through news pages
Binary for arch i386 (12.2 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin displays up to 10 HTML news pages on VDR's OSD and allows to select single news articles, which appear as a link on a news page.

vdr-plugin-graphtft (0.1.17~alpha-4+opp~2, main) - GraphTFT Plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (151.2 KB) | Source dir | changes

This Plugin uses a Framebuffer or VDR device to show Status Informations. So you can use a cheap mini-TFT to show infos about your VDR.

libxineliboutput-fbfe (1.0.3-1etch1+opp~2, main) - Local framebuffer frontend for the xineliboutput plugin
Binary for arch i386 (40.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

The xineliboutput vdr plugin requires this library to provide the built-in local frontend for framebuffer devices.

vdr-plugin-atmo (0.1.3-3+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin to control colored TV backlights
Binary for arch i386 (113.0 KB) | Source dir | changes

This VDR plugin controls colored TV backlights using a micro controller attached to the serial port. The plugin can control up to five RGB channels (one for each etch of the TV and on for the center backlight). The backlight colors are calculated to be an extension to the currently shown picture.

vdr-plugin-autosort (0.1.3-11+opp~2, main) - VDR-Plugin to automatically sort the channels.conf
Binary for arch i386 (48.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

The AutoSort plugin adds the capability to define rules for automatically sorting the channels.conf.

vdr-plugin-softdevice (0.5.0-3+opp~2, main) - VDR frontend plug-in providing Xv, framebuffer output
Binary for arch i386 (212.2 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plug-in for the Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR acts as a so called "soft device", that decodes VDR's MPEG2 input streams to play it back on Xv (X video extension) or framebuffer (via DirectFB, DFB++)

vdr-plugin-rotor (0.1.4-24+opp~2, main) - Plugin to vdr that controls a rotor
Binary for arch i386 (53.2 KB) | Source dir | changes

With this plugin you can control a diseqc motor.

vdr-plugin-solitaire (0.0.2-43+opp~2, main) - Plugin to vdr that implements the card game "Solitaire"
Binary for arch i386 (317.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

This Solitaire plugin is an implementation of the (well-known) card game "Solitaire" played on the On Screen Display of your Video Disk Recorder.

vdr-plugin-epgsearch (0.9.24-3+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin that provides extensive EPG searching capabilities
Binary for arch i386 (576.0 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for the Linux Video Disc Recorder (VDR) allows searching the EPG (electronic programme guide) data by defining search terms that can permanently be stored in a list for later reuse. It supports regular expressions and is capable of doing fuzzy searches. EPG-Search scans the EPG in background and can automatically create timers for matching search terms. Besides this it supports searching for repetitions, detection of timer conflicts, sending emails on timer events and much more. Search terms can also be added and modified with vdradmin-am, a web frontend for VDR.

vdr-plugin-radiolist (0.0.2-17+opp~2, main) - VDR-Plugin that provides a radio channellist
Binary for arch i386 (9.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin provides a channellist which only contains channels with VPID = 0 (usually radio channels).

vdr-plugin-dvdswitch (0.1.3-20+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin to create, burn, mount and manage DVD iso images
Binary for arch i386 (75.7 KB) | Source dir | changes

With this VDR plugin it is possible to select between DVD iso images, directories containing a DVD file structure or the real DVD drive and mount them for playback with the DVD plugin. The Plugin allows also to create iso images from a DVD and or to burn them onto a DVD.

vdr-plugin-advchctrl (0.0.5-24+opp~2, main) - Plugin for vdr to control volume per channel
Binary for arch i386 (23.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin stores the volume settings per channel and restores it if switching to a channel.

vdr-plugin-mousemate (0.1.3-13+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin that allows to control VDR with a mouse
Binary for arch i386 (21.7 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin allows a mouse to be used for controlling some of VDR's functions. VDR's remote control keys are mapped to mouse events. The mouse wheel and up to eight mouse buttons are supported. Different key bindings can be configured for several VDR contexts.

vdr-plugin-wirbelscan (0.0.4a~20080515-1+opp~2, main) - Channelscan plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (57.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin allows you to scan for new channels. DVB-T and DVB-C are supported as well as DVB-S and pvrinput/ptv (analog) scan.

vdr-plugin-vdrrip (0.3.0-45+opp~2, main) - Plugin to vdr that encodes recordings into several divx formats
Binary for arch i386 (103.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

This is a plugin to encode the vdr-recordings or dvd's into several formats. The supported output-formats are:

Containers: avi, ogm, matroska Video-codecs(divx): lavc, xvid, divx4/5 Audio-codecs: mp3, ogg-vorbis, stream-copy for ac3 and mpeg2

Ogg-vorbis, ac3, ogm and matroska have to be manually activated in the setup-menu of the plugin. All further codecs are automatically detected by the plugin.

You can manually adjust the encoding values, or simply select a template (read the section 'Templates' in this manual to find out more about them). If you input the resulting movie size (or number of files), the video/audio bitrate is calculated. If you change the video/ audio bitrate, the file size is calculated. If there is more then one audio-stream available, you can toggle between them.

vdr-plugin-fritzbox (1.0.1-1+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin to access certain functions of an AVM Fritz!Box
Binary for arch i386 (75.7 KB) | Source dir | changes

This VDR plugin connects to the Fritz!Box to inform you about incoming calls. As an option, the plugin can automatically mute VDR when a call comes in.

vdr-plugin-undelete (0.0.6-25+opp~2, main) - Plugin for VDR to undelete or purge recently deleted recordings
Binary for arch i386 (40.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

VDR doesn't physically erase recordings immediately after deleting them. This plugin gives you the chance to undelete recordings, before VDR truly erases them.

vdr-plugin-newsticker (0.0.4-32+opp~2, main) - vdr plugin to download and displey rdf news-feeds
Binary for arch i386 (18.0 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin downloads rdf news-feeds and displays them on the tv.

vdr-plugin-mlist (0.0.5-3+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin to display the message history
Binary for arch i386 (12.6 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin displays a list of all shown OSD messages since VDR start up.

vdr-plugin-serial (0.0.6a-21+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin for a frontpanel connected to the serial port
Binary for arch i386 (56.0 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin allows using a homebrew frontpanel connected to the serial port as a remote control for VDR.

vdr-plugin-dvdselect (0.7a-41+opp~2, main) - Plugin to vdr that implements dvd selection
Binary for arch i386 (17.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for vdr lets you you select the dvd source for then dvd-plugin (switching between device an files).

vdr-plugin-control (0.0.2a-38+opp~2, main) - Plugin to control vdr OSD by console or telnet
Binary for arch i386 (27.8 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin allows to control VDR by console or telnet even if the systems does not have any full featured DVB card.

vdr-plugin-extrecmenu (1.1-8+opp~2, main) - Plugin for vdr for an enhanced recordings menu
Binary for arch i386 (72.0 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin provides a recordings menu enhanced with the possibility to rename or move recordings.

vdr-plugin-lcr (0.0.9-1+opp~2, main) - This is a Least Cost Routing plugin for the Video Disk Recorder
Binary for arch i386 (36.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

Least Cost Routing is a plugin that displays information about the lowest rates for telephoning AT THE MOMENT on the osd. It retrieves its data from "www.teltarif.de" and displays them in a table on the osd.

vdr-plugin-osdpip (0.0.9-2+opp~2, main) - OSD Picture-in-Picture-PlugIn for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (40.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

OSD Picture-in-Picture is a PlugIn that displays the current channel in a small box on the screen (default upper right corner). You can switch up and down now, watching the progress of the previous channel in the box.

vdr-plugin-tvtv (0.3.3-15+opp~2, main) - Plugin to vdr that connects to a web based tv guide
Binary for arch i386 (49.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for vdr connects your system to a web based tv guide (www.tvtv.[de|co.uk]). After registering over there you can select some programme to schedule a vdr timer. The plugin can connect to the website by an internet connection on a regular basis.

vdr-plugin-cdda (0.1.0-26+opp~2, main) - VDR-Plugin to play audio cd's
Binary for arch i386 (54.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

The "cdda" plugin is an audio cd player with cd-text and cddb support. You can play your favorite music cd's as like as you do it with your standalone cd player.

vdr-plugin-lcdproc (0.0.10-jw5-1+opp~2, main) - Plugin to vdr that connects to lcdproc
Binary for arch i386 (37.6 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for vdr connect the digital PVR to lcdproc.

vdr-plugin-mailbox (0.5.0-7+opp~2, main) - Plugin to vdr to access pop3 and imap mailboxes
Binary for arch i386 (230.0 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for vdr implements access to pop3 and imap mailboxes.

vdr-plugin-pvr350 (2008-09-07-1+opp~2, main) - VDR-Plugin that uses a PVR350 as output device
Binary for arch i386 (32.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for vdr uses Hauppauge PVR350 as an output device.

NOTE: At least kernel 2.6.21 is required!

xineliboutput-fbfe (1.0.3-1etch1+opp~2, main) - Remote Framebuffer frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput
Binary for arch i386 (51.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

This frambuffer remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

vdr-plugin-remoteosd (0.0.2-15+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin to control the OSD of a remote VDR
Binary for arch i386 (19.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

This VDR plugin displays the menu of a remote VDR as a submenu item in your local VDR OSD menu.

vdr-plugin-radio (0.2.4-8+opp~2, main) - VDR Plugin that displays images for radio channels
Binary for arch i386 (364.7 KB) | Source dir | changes

Displays mpg-images instead of a black background while watching radio channels.

vdr-plugin-calc (0+0.0.1rc5-27+opp~2, main) - Calculator plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (11.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

This is a small calculator plugin for the VDR. It supports the 4 basic mathematic functions plus a memory, just like your pocket calculator. It now has also the basic trigonometric functions.

vdr-dbg (1.6.0-8ctvdr1+opp~2, main) - Debuggable version of the VDR Video Disk Recorder
Binary for arch i386 (1.3 MB) | Source dir | changes

This package installs an unoptimized vdr binary with debugging symbols as well as some helper scripts to debug VDR and its plugins.

vdr-plugin-externalplayer (0.1.0-10+opp~2, main) - Plugin to VDR that allows usage of external players
Binary for arch i386 (46.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

With this plugin it is possible to use players (like MMS, dxr3player, etc.) with VDR that need access to the output-device (FF-DVB, DXR3).

vdr-plugin-weather (0.2.1e-50+opp~2, main) - Weather plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (53.8 KB) | Source dir | changes

Displays the current weather conditions for a selected location. It gets the METAR data from ftp://weather.noaa.gov.

vdr-plugin-cinebars (0.0.5-5+opp~2, main) - Cuts off upper and/or lower border of live picture with black bars
Binary for arch i386 (12.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

This Plugin displays "cinema-bars" via VDR's OSD over the live picture, to give you some kind of wide-screen-cinema-feeling. You can use this to hide, for example, TV logos.

vdr-plugin-avolctl (0.3b-15+opp~2, main) - ALSA-Volume-Control-Plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (17.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin controls selectable volume controls of your soundcard. It is also
possible to select controls and switches that can be controlled within the
settings menu. This is for example useful for tone control.

vdr-plugin-iptv (0.2.2-1+opp~2, main) - IPTV plug-in for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (66.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plug-in for the Linux Video Disc Recorder (VDR) seamlessly integrates multicast IPTV transport streams. You can use any IPTV channel like any other normal DVB channel for live viewing, recording, etc. The plug-in also features full section filtering capabilities which allow for example information to be extracted from the Event Information Tabel (EIT) embedded in the incoming stream.

Currently the IPTV plug-in has direct support for both multicast UDP/RTP and unicast HTTP MPEG1/2 transport streams.

vdr-plugin-pin (0.1.9-9+opp~2, main) - PIN protection plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (49.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

With this plugin, selected recordings, channels, shows or shell scripts can be protected by a single PIN to restrict access for children.

vdr-plugin-menuorg (0.4.4-1+opp~2, main) - A VDR plug-in to reorganize the OSD main menu
Binary for arch i386 (43.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plug-in for the Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR allows the main menu in VDR's On Screen Display to be reorganized. The order of the displayed menu items can be changed and sub menus can be created. Besides this additional "command" menu items can be added, which will execute any system commands.

vdr-plugin-mp3 (0.10.1-12+opp~2, main) - MP3 playback plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (160.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for VDR allows to play back mp3's, ogg-files and audio-cds.

vdr-plugin-timeline (1.0.141-kw160-1+opp~2, main) - Timeline plugin for vdr
Binary for arch i386 (22.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

Shows a timeline of all programmed timers per day and informs you of timer conflicts.

vdr-plugin-ttxtsubs (0.0.5-42+opp~2, main) - Teletext subtitle plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (66.2 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin implements displaying, recording and replaying teletext based subtitles using the on screen display.

xineliboutput-sxfe (1.0.3-1etch1+opp~2, main) - Remote X-Server frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput
Binary for arch i386 (59.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

This X/Xv/XvMc remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

vdr-plugin-ffnetdev (0.1.0+svn20071201.1427-7+opp~2, main) - VDR network streaming plugin
Binary for arch i386 (61.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

The purpose of this plugin is to provide an "easy" way of connecting possible streaming clients such as Dreambox/Tuxbox to VDR by emulating a full featured DVB device that serves an OSD and TS stream over the network. The OSD can be accessed by VNC clients.

vdr-plugin-vdrc (0.0.8-35+opp~2, main) - File Commander Plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (20.6 KB) | Source dir | changes

This is a Midnight Commander like file management plugin for VDR.

vdr-plugin-analogtv (1.0.00-20+opp~2, main) - Plugin to vdr that connects analog-tv sources
Binary for arch i386 (309.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for vdr connect analog-tv sources. It supports encoding by software (with mp1e, ffmpeg) or by hardware (using hauppauges PVR series). For your convenience mp1e (MPEG-1 encoding) is included in this package.

vdr-plugin-powermate (0.0.5-2+opp~2, main) - Control VDR by Griffin Powermate device
Binary for arch i386 (18.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

The plugin permits commands in VDR to be executed by the Griffin Powermate device.

vdr-plugin-sysinfo (0.1.0a-13+opp~2, main) - Plugin for vdr to display hardware monitoring data
Binary for arch i386 (23.4 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin displays hardware monitoring data identified by lm-sensors, such as CPU and mainboard temperature, CPU and system fan speed.

vdr-plugin-xxvautotimer (0.1.2-18+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin to edit XXV's Autotimers
Binary for arch i386 (69.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

This is a plugin for the Video Disk Recorder (VDR) to edit Autotimers of XXV via VDR's on-screen-display (OSD). Autotimers are edited directly in XXV's mysql database.

vdr-plugin-premiereepg (0.0.8-9+opp~2, main) - PremiereEpg plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (22.2 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for VDR parses the extended EPG data which is send by Premiere on their portal channels.

vdr-plugin-sudoku (0.3.3-1+opp~2, main) - VDR-Plugin to generate and solve Sudokus
Binary for arch i386 (60.2 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin generates Number Place puzzles, so called Sudokus, and let you solve it.

A Sudoku puzzle consists of 9 x 9 cells subdivided into 9 regions with 3 x 3 cells. The rules are simple. There have to be the numbers from 1 to 9 in every row, column and region. In the beginning some numbers are given. These cells are painted with cyan background color. The aim of the puzzle is to find the missing numbers. There is only one solution of a Sudoku puzzle.

vdr-plugin-freecell (0.0.2-45+opp~2, main) - Plugin for VDR that implements the card game "Freecell"
Binary for arch i386 (46.7 KB) | Source dir | changes

This Freecell plugin is an implementation of the (well-known) card game "Freecell" played on the On Screen Display of your Video Disk Recorder.

vdr-plugin-avards (0.1.5-1+opp~2, main) - VDR plug-in to enlarge 4:3 letterbox format on widescreen displays
Binary for arch i386 (26.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

The Avards (Automatic Video Aspect Ratio Detection and Signaling) plug-in for the Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR enlarges widescreen movies, that are sent in a 4:3 letterbox format. This is accomplished by changing the WSS signal sent to the display.

If a program is broadcasted in letterboxed 4:3 it would normally be displayed with black bars on the left, right, top and bottom edges of a 16:9 display. By manipulatin the WSS (wide screen signaling), the Avards plug-in tells the display to enlarge the picture.

The plug-in requires the DVB firmware version to be at least f42623 or newer.

vdr-plugin-chanorg (0.0.6-20+opp~2, main) - Channel organizer for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (22.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin allows you to manage your channels.conf.

vdr-plugin-remote (0.4.0-15+opp~2, main) - VDR Plugin to support the built-in remote control port of DVB-Cards
Binary for arch i386 (31.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for VDR supports the built-in remote control port of some DVB-Cards or CI-Modules.

vdr-plugin-vcd (0.9-7+opp~2, main) - VDR Plugin for playing (S)VCD's
Binary for arch i386 (48.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for the Linux Video Disc Recorder VDR allows you to play your (S)VCD's within VDR.

libxine1-xvdr (1.0.3-1etch1+opp~2, main) - Xine input plugin for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput streams
Binary for arch i386 (128.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin adds a new mrl "xvdr://" to Xine, which allows to play back streams provided by vdr-plugin-xineliboutput.

vdr-plugin-eggtimer (0.9.5-18+opp~2, main) - An eggtimer that reminds you of certain things, while watching TV
Binary for arch i386 (22.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

This is a plugin for the Linux Video Disc Recorder (VDR). It can be used to be reminded of certain things, while watching TV. The plugin may also be configured to switch to a channel or execute a command from VDRs commands.conf at a certain point of time.

vdr-plugin-sky (1.6.0-8ctvdr1+opp~2, main) - Plugin for using a Sky Digibox with vdr
Binary for arch i386 (34.5 KB) | Source dir | changes

Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as output the stream to TV.

This package contains the sky-plugin, which allows you to connect the analog a/v output of a Sky Digibox to VDR, so that you can enjoy the full recording flexibility of VDR with your Sky subscription.

vdr-plugin-svdrpext (0.0.1-17+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin that extends the SVDRP command set of VDR
Binary for arch i386 (11.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

This VDR plugin adds some new OSD related commands to VDR's remote SVDRP control interface.

vdr-plugin-fussball (0.0.3b-18+opp~2, main) - VDR-Plugin to show the state of the Bundesliga table
Binary for arch i386 (11.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin shows the current state of the table of the 1. Budesliga in Germany.

vdr-plugin-text2skin (1.0+cvs20080122.2311-7+opp~2, main) - Plugin to vdr that loads and views skins
Binary for arch i386 (147.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin is designed to load and interpret a set of files describing the layout of the On Screen Display and to make this "Skin" available to VDR via Setup -> OSD in the main menu. Of course it is possible to load more than one text-based skin this way and to choose between them while running VDR. All skins may be themeable (you can create your own color-theme) and translateable as the author of the skin wishes.

vdr-plugin-loadepg (0.1.12-5+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin that loads EPG data sent to Mediahighway receivers
Binary for arch i386 (29.7 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for the Linux Video Disc Recorder (VDR) loads electronic programme guide data (EPG), that is broadcasted for Mediahighway receivers on channels of the Canal+ group, a French film and television studio and distributor.

libxineliboutput-sxfe (1.0.3-1etch1+opp~2, main) - Local X-Server frontend for the xineliboutput plugin
Binary for arch i386 (47.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

The xineliboutput vdr plugin requires this library to provide the built-in local frontend for X, Xv or XvMC window systems.

vdr-plugin-pvrinput (2008-10-04-1+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin allowing to use a Hauppauge PVR card as input device
Binary for arch i386 (50.3 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin uses a Hauppauge PVR card as an input device. All cards supported by the ivtv driver should work.

vdr-plugin-osdteletext (0.5.1-38+opp~2, main) - Teletext plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (59.8 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for VDR displays teletext directly on the OSD.

vdr-plugin-decruft (0.0.4-17+opp~2, main) - VDR-Plugin to remove unwanted channels
Binary for arch i386 (13.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

The Decruft plugin adds the capability to define rules for automatic removing of unwanted channels.

vdr-plugin-games (0.6.3-22+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin providing OSD games like tetris, snake and more
Binary for arch i386 (35.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for VDR allows to play Tetris, TicTacToe, Tron and Snake via VDR's OSD (On Screen Display).

vdr-plugin-examples (1.6.0-8ctvdr1+opp~2, main) - Plugins for vdr to show some possible features
Binary for arch i386 (71.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as output the stream to TV.

This package contains the example-plugins hello, osddemo, svccli, svcsvr, skincurses, status and svdrpdemo from the vdr-source. These plugins do not have useful features, they only demonstrate how vdr-plugins work and what is possible to do with them.

vdr-plugin-prefermenu (0.6.6-24+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin that implements a preferred channels menu
Binary for arch i386 (25.6 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for VDR implements a preferred channels menu. It makes it easy to switch to your favourite chanels.

vdr-plugin-dvd (0.3.6~b03+cvs20070813-11etch1+opp~2, main) - DVD playback plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (62.7 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for VDR allows to play back DVD Video discs from within VDR.

vdr-plugin-filebrowser (0.2.0-1+opp~2, main) - VDR plugin for file browsing and executing shell commands
Binary for arch i386 (57.8 KB) | Source dir | changes

With this plugin it's possible to browse the file system in VDR's OSD. It's possible to define commands, that can be executed with the currently selected files. The commands will be executed asynchronously in background.

vdr-plugin-graphlcd (0.1.5-14+opp~2, main) - GraphLCD Plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (205.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

A plugin to support graphical LC Displays with VDR.

vdr-plugin-vodcatcher (0.2.1-1+opp~2, main) - VDR plug-in to browse and play video podcasts
Binary for arch i386 (115.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plug-in for the Linux Video Disc Recorder (VDR) allows do download and browse RSS video podcasts. Playing back video streams contained in the RSS Feed is done by the VDR MPlayer plug-in.

vdr-plugin-skinenigmang (0.0.6-4+opp~2, main) - Skin plugin for VDR
Binary for arch i386 (104.9 KB) | Source dir | changes

"EnigmaNG" is a standalone skin based on the "Enigma" text2skin addon.

vdr-plugin-wapd (0.9-5+opp~2, main) - Plugin to control vdr via mobile devices
Binary for arch i386 (39.8 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin lets VDR listen to WAP requests to allow remote control by WML enabled browsers - eg. mobile devices - and is called "WAP daemon" or "wapd".

vdr-dev (1.6.0-8ctvdr1+opp~2, main) - Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards
Binary for arch all (304.1 KB) | Source dir | changes

Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a digital sat-receiver program using Linux and DVB technologies. It allows one to record MPEG2 streams, as well as output the stream to TV. It is also possible to watch DVDs (hardware accelerated) with some comfort and use an IR remote control.

This package contains the header files of VDR. You need this package to be able to build vdr-plugins!

vdr-plugin-submenu (0.0.2-37+opp~2, main) - transitional dummy package
Binary for arch all (3.0 KB) | Source dir | changes

This package forces vdr-plugin-submenu to be replaced with vdr-plugin-menuorg.

svdrpservice-dev (0.0.4-1+opp~2, main) - VDR svdrpservice plugin development files
Binary for arch all (6.8 KB) | Source dir | changes

Header files for VDR plugins that use the svdrpservice plugin.

vdr-plugin-dxr3 (0.2.8-3+opp~2, contrib) - Plugin to vdr to use a DXR3/Hollywood+ MPEG decoder as primary interface
Binary for arch i386 (81.6 KB) | Source dir | changes

This plugin for vdr allows using a DXR3/Hollywood+ MPEG decoder card as primary interface.


Einträge für /etc/apt/sources.list / Entries for /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ backtrack main non-free contrib
deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ backtrack main non-free contrib

oder mit folgendem Befehl / or with the following command::

sudo su -c 'echo "deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ backtrack main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list'
sudo su -c 'echo "deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ backtrack main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list'
sudo aptitude update

oder als root / or as root:
echo "deb http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ backtrack main non-free contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list
echo "deb-src http://debian2.oppserver.net/vdr/ backtrack main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oppvdr.sources.list
aptitude update

Hinweis / Hint

Alle bereitgestellten Pakete kommen ohne jegliche Garantie. Ich übernehme keine Haftung für Schäden, die durch die Installation der angebotenen Dateien bzw. Pakete entstehen. Die Installation und die Benutzung dieser Pakete erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr.

All packages are provided without warranty of any kind. I assume no liability for damages caused by the installation of the files and packages i offered. The installation and use of these packages is at own risk.